Application for sporting leave
Last update
The aim of sporting leave is to support sportspeople and their support personnel as well as:
- judges and referees within the context of participation in international competitions;
- the administrative managers of federations and clubs, volunteers who help to organise a sporting event in Luxembourg and people who take part in INAPS training.
Sporting leave is special leave that may be granted, subject to conditions, in addition to annual leave as set out by law or by a special agreement.
This leave is paid by the State subject to the budgets available.
Once the application has been assessed with regard to the eligibility criteria, the Minister of Sport decides whether the sporting leave is granted or refused.
Who is concerned
Sporting leave is reserved for:
- sportspeople and their support personnel, namely:
- sportspeople who:
- are part of one of the squads of the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (Comité olympique et sportif luxembourgeois - COSL) or of the Luxembourg Paralympic Committee (LPC) or who are carrying out a specific project with these organisations; or
- are part of an individual national selection or top team, with a view to preparing for and participating in official international competitions;
- sportspeople who are licensed members of a club that is affiliated to a federation with a view to preparing for and participating in an official international club competition;
- licensed sportspeople other than those referred to above, who:
- are taking part in an official international competition; and
- have the joint agreement of the COSL or the LPC and the Minister of Sport;
- natural persons appointed to accompany sportspeople to these competitions or preparatory training camps;
- technical managers who have been designated to:
- accompany sports people to these competitions or preparatory training camps; or
- participate in training organised at an international level;
- sportspeople who:
- judges and referees selected by the competent international sports federation to:
- take part in international competitions; or
- to take part in international training;
- administrative managers, namely members of the administrative body of an approved sports federation, an affiliated club, the COSL or the LPC to:
- look after the day-to-day management of the organisation;
- participate in meetings at an international level;
- participate in training organised at an international level;
- volunteers, namely natural persons who volunteer and who are appointed to help organise international sporting events that take place in Luxembourg;
- participants in training courses organised by the INAPS or another training course recognised by the Minister of Sport.
To be able to benefit from sporting leave, the beneficiaries must:
- perform their role in a non-professional capacity;
- have been continuously affiliated to Luxembourg Social Security for at least 6 months.
You must submit the application for sporting leave one month before the date of the event for which you are requesting this leave, unless the element that triggers the right to sporting leave arises less than one month from the date of the event.
How to proceed
Filing an application/declaration
The application for sporting leave must be submitted to the Ministry of Sport by:
- the Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL); or
- the Luxembourg Paralympic Committee (LPC) ; or
- the approved national sports federation; or
- the club affiliated to a federation.
Please note: certain applications must have been endorsed by the employer.
You can submit the application for leave:
- online via (see 'Online services and forms'):
- This is a procedure with authentication that requires a LuxTrust product or a Luxembourgish electronic identity card (eID);
- you must:
- fill in the form online;
- confirm the data entered;
- sign the document electronically at the bottom of the page;
- save the document to your computer;
- send the form by email to; or
- fill in the form online;
The procedure for submitting a sporting leave application online will be available soon.
- via the form adapted to your situation (see 'Online services and forms') by:
- email to ; or
- post to:
- email to ; or
Ministère des Sports
Boîte Postale 180
Supporting documents
A certificate from your employer attesting to an agreement in principle for the requested leave must be submitted along with the application (see 'Certificat employeur' under 'Online services and forms' below).
The administration's decision
Once the application has been assessed, the Minister of Sport decides whether the sporting leave is granted or refused.
Proof of participation signed by the requesting organisation must be sent to the Ministry of Sport after the date of the event for which the sporting leave was requested.
Duration of sporting leave
In this list you will find details of the days of sporting leave available for the different categories of beneficiaries.
The cumulative duration of the different categories of sporting leave per beneficiary is limited to a maximum of 40 days per year, with the exception of sportspeople who have a specific project, and their technical managers for whom the duration of the sporting leave cannot exceed the maximum number of days provided for.
The duration of the sporting leave:
- is treated in the same way as a period of actual work during which any provisions with regard to social security and protection of the worker remain applicable;
- cannot be deducted from annual leave as set out by law or by a special agreement;
- is prorated:
- according to the level of occupation and number of working hours per year;
- with effect on the 1st of the month following the start of the criterion that provided the right to the leave in question.
Compensatory benefit / reimbursement
The employer's request for reimbursement and the self-employed person's request for compensatory benefit are made based on a declaration to be submitted to the Minister responsible for Sports, no later than the 1st of February of the year following the year in which sporting leave was granted.
You can submit the request for reimbursement in the same way as the application for leave described above, i.e. online via (see 'Online services and forms'), by post or by email.
If you fail to submit the declaration by this date, you forfeit your right to the reimbursement or compensatory benefit concerned.
Payment of the compensatory benefit is conditional on the submission of a pre-established certificate, duly attested by the approved sports federation, the affiliated club, the COSL or the LPC to certify that the beneficiary of the sporting leave did take part in the event that triggered the right to said leave.
- Employers
- Self-employed workers
Employers in the private sector will be reimbursed a compensatory allowance capped at four times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers for each day of sporting leave granted, based on the gross salary and the employer's share of the social security contributions.
The State will pay the employer the amount of the gross salary and the employer's portion of the social security contributions.
Good to know
In the public and private sector alike, beneficiaries of sporting leave will continue to receive their usual salary and to enjoy the rights associated with their position for the duration of their sporting leave.
Unless otherwise agreed by the employer, the duration of sporting leave cannot be cumulated with a period of annual leave if this results in a continuous period of absence that exceeds the total number of days of paid annual leave due.
Sporting leave can be split up. Each fraction must consist of at least 4 hours.
The annual sporting leave cannot be carried over from one calendar year to the next.
Sporting leave may be refused by the employer if the employee's absence could have major repercussions that would be detrimental to business operations, to the effective operation of the administration or public service, or to the planning of the other staff members' paid annual leave.
To calculate the number of days, only working days are taken into account.
For administrative managers, the administrative body sets the duration of sporting leave per beneficiary and provides them with a pre-established certificate that shows the date on which it was issued and the number of days of sporting leave allocated. A copy of this certificate must be sent:
- by the body concerned to the Minister responsible for Sports; and
- by the beneficiary to their employer, as documentary evidence.
In this case, the right to sporting leave:
- starts on the 1st of the month following the date of issue of the aforementioned certificate;
- ends on the day on which the term of office of the member of the administrative body ends.
Compensatory benefit is allocated to beneficiaries of sporting leave who:
- are less than 65 years old; and
- who carry out a professional activity as a self-employed person.
The amount of this compensation is calculated on the basis of the income used to determine the assessment base for pension insurance contributions in the previous year, and is capped at 4 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Sport
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 400
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 440
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Sport Institut national de l’activité physique et des sports (INAPS)
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 73 400
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Sport Sports Medicine Service
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 413
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 446
- Phone:
(+352) 247 83 485
working days between 8.00 and 11.30 and 13.00 and 15.30
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 483
- Email address:
- Email address:
identification numbers
- Email address:
Ministry of Sport Department for Leisure and Sports (SPOLO)
- Address:
- 66, rue de Trèves L-2360 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 411
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 440
2 of 4 bodies shown
Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL)
- Address:
- 3, route d'Arlon L-8009 Strassen Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 48 80 48 200
- Fax:
- (+352) 48 80 74
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Sport
Ministry of Sport
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 400
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 440
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Sport Institut national de l’activité physique et des sports (INAPS)
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 73 400
- Email address:
- Website:
Ministry of Sport Sports Medicine Service
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 413
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 446
- Phone:
(+352) 247 83 485
working days between 8.00 and 11.30 and 13.00 and 15.30
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 483
- Email address:
- Email address:
identification numbers
- Email address:
Ministry of Sport Department for Leisure and Sports (SPOLO)
- Address:
- 66, rue de Trèves L-2360 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 83 411
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 83 440
2 of 4 bodies shown
Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee
Luxembourg Olympic and Sports Committee (COSL)
- Address:
- 3, route d'Arlon L-8009 Strassen Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 48 80 48 200
- Fax:
- (+352) 48 80 74
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
sur - le portail du sport au Luxembourg