Organise a sporting event on public roads

Last update

Plan the event

Determine the date, time and route of the event, ensuring that it is suitable for different levels of skill and safety.

Organising a sporting event on public roads

Obtain an authorisation

Contact your local authorities to obtain official authorisation. You will need to provide details of the event, including security and emergency management plans.

Submit a traffic modification request

Submit a request for traffic modification and for the closure of all necessary roads during the event. Specify the start and end times of the traffic modification to minimise the impact on local traffic.

Applying for a temporary alteration of traffic routes and/or organising a procession on public roads

Apply for a road-building permit for advertising billboards

If you wish to promote the event or give visibility to sponsors, you must request permission to install advertising panels along the route. You also need to ensure that these installations comply with local advertising and safety regulations.

Road-building permits for billboards or banners

Organise sporting leave for volunteers

If volunteers are helping you on the day of the event, they may be entitled to sporting leave under certain conditions.

Application for sporting leave

Apply for a grant or subsidy

You can prepare an application (letter or email) for subsidies from your commune and/or the Ministry of Sport, highlighting the community benefits of the event.

Good to know: If you are an active member of a non-profit association (ASBL), a federation or a sports club, you can apply for subsidies to organise major sporting events. The aim is to promote Luxembourg and encourage the organisation of such events.

Apply for authorisation to sell alcoholic beverages

If you plan to sell alcoholic beverages at the event, make sure you obtain the necessary licences and comply with local regulations (e.g. late night opening).

Authorisation to sell alcoholic drinks at an event

Comply with food hygiene standards

Food vendors at your event must comply with current hygiene standards and have the necessary certifications.

Food safety requirements for special events

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