Filing an administrative complaint with the Nature and Forest Agency

Last update

The Nature and Forest Agency (Administration de la nature et des forêts - ANF) ensures compliance with the applicable provisions on the protection of nature and natural resources, hunting, fishing and the protection of forests, and carries out the necessary controls, in particular with regard to the following activities:

  • constructions in green areas;
  • destruction, reduction of biotopes;
  • protection of wild fauna and flora;
  • disposal of waste and materials;
  • hunting activities;
  • fishing activities;
  • protection of forests.

Who is concerned?

Any natural or legal person who finds an irregularity in a third party's activities.


The administrative complaint must relate to one of the following:

  • violation of the law on the protection of nature and natural resources:
    • constructions in green areas;
    • biotopes;
    • wild fauna and flora;
    • waste disposals, etc.;
  • violation of the law on hunting:
    • feeding of wild game;
    • marking of wild game;
    • opening of the hunting season, etc.;
  • violation of the laws on fishing:
    • opening of the fishing season;
    • fishing licence;
    • quantities, etc.;
  • violation of the law on the protection of forests:
    • clear-cutting of deciduous forests;
    • excessive felling, etc.

Administrative complaints concerning the human environment and the protection of water should be addressed to:

How to proceed

Filing an administrative complaint

Identification of the complainant

Complainants must identify themselves by indicating, inter alia:

  • their name and first name or, where applicable, the name of their company;
  • their address;
  • their phone number (landline and mobile);
  • their email address (if applicable).

Please note that the Nature and Forest Agency does not take into account administrative complaints submitted anonymously. It also reserves the right to verify the accuracy of the complainant's personal identifying information.

Identification of the establishment / person concerned

The complainant must also identify the establishment or person who is the subject of the complaint and indicate, in particular:

  • their name and first name or, where applicable, the name of the company;
  • their address;
  • a topographic map indicating the site to which the administrative complaint refers to (to be added if possible);
  • the parcel(s) of land concerned;
  • the GPS/LUREF coordinates of the site (to be provided if possible).

Details about administrative complaints

The complainant must provide detailed information regarding their administrative complaint:

  • its subject (construction in a green area, destruction of a biotope, etc.);
  • the location of the irregularity (building, specific installation, plot of land, etc.);
  • the start date, the period(s) of the year or time(s) of the day, etc.

The complainant can attach any other element that allows them to better document the context of their administrative complaint.

Complainants can send their administrative complaint to the ANF by post or email.

Details of other parties contacted prior to the administrative complaint

Complainants then need to indicate any prior initiatives taken, such as:

  • whether or not they have contacted the company or the person concerned by the administrative complaint;
  • whether or not they have contacted another competent authority or other authorities, including their contact details.

Submission of disputes

After examination of the administrative complaints, the ANF:

  • checks the activities concerned by the complaint;
  • if necessary, the complaint is forwarded to the competent authority.

Penalties for slanderous or defamatory accusations and denunciations

A penalty of imprisonment of 15 days to 6 months and a fine of EUR 251 to 10,000 will be applied to whoever:

  • produces, in writing, a libellous or defamatory statement to the authorities;
  • addresses, in writing, to a person any libellous or defamatory accusations against a subordinate of said person.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Nature and Forest Agency

2 of 10 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Filing an administrative complaint with the Environment Agency Filing an administrative complaint with the Water Management Agency


Further information

Legal references

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