Claiming partial reimbursement or exemption from road vehicle tax for large families or disabled persons

Last update

All vehicles registered in Luxembourg and used on public roads are subject to road tax.

However, certain persons may, because of their state of health or the composition of their household, benefit either from a total exemption from this tax or from its partial reimbursement.

Who is concerned

The following are eligible:

  • for a partial refund of the tax: families composed of at least 5 people who :
    • reside in Luxembourg; and
    • own a passenger car registered in Luxembourg;
  • for total exemption from the tax:
    • disabled persons holding a B or C invalidity card (or war-disabled persons) who have registered a vehicle in Luxembourg; and
    • able-bodied persons who have registered a vehicle in Luxembourg and are caring for an invalid or war-disabled person in their household.

How to proceed

Applying for a partial refund of the road vehicle tax as a family of at least 5 persons

Filing an application

The tax debtor may apply for a refund:

  • using the form provided for this purpose. The application must be sent by post to the Environment Agency; or
  • online via

The applicant can benefit from a partial refund of road vehicle tax up to a maximum of EUR 125 per year.  

Reimbursement is only granted for one car per household. It is only reimbursed once a year provided that the applicant has no tax debt towards the Road Tax Revenue Department (Bureau de Recette Autos) of the Customs and Excise Agency (Administration des douanes et accises).

If the beneficiary has a debt, reimbursement remains pending until the debt is paid. Thus, there is no compensation between the amount due and the amount reimbursed.

Supporting documents

The applicant must include the following documents with their application:

  • a copy of the valid road vehicle tax certificate;
  • a copy of the registration certificate (carte grise) for the car in question.

The Customs and Excise Agency (ADA) now offers the activation of the eDelivery function for road tax invoices. All invoices relating to road tax (Autosteier) can now be issued in electronic format (PDF) in the private eSpace on

To benefit from this service, interested parties must subscribe to the eDelivery function. The subscription can be made via the private eSpace under 'My data'" in the 'Transport' section, under 'Road tax' (Autosteier). This step is necessary to receive the ADA invoice in the electronic mailbox of the private eSpace.

Moreover, it is now also possible to receive the road tax disc by electronic means. You will need to activate the specific eDelivery function for this. Once the invoice has been paid, the road tax disc will be sent and you can print it out and keep it in your vehicle.

When you receive the new message and the road tax disc in your private eSpace, you will be notified by email.

Applying for exemption from road vehicle tax as an invalid/war disabled person or as a person caring for an invalid/war disabled person

Filing an application

The person concerned must submit a request for exemption using the form provided for this purpose.

The application must be sent by post to the Customs and Excise Agency - Central Office (Caisse Centrale).

Supporting documents

The applicant must accompany the application with:

  • a copy of the disability card; or
  • an attestation certifying the status of war victim.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Environment Agency Financial aid

    1, avenue du Rock'n'Roll L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 7.30
    7.30 to 12.00 , 12.30 to 16.00
    7.30 to 12.00 , 12.30 to 16.00
    7.30 to 12.00 , 12.30 to 16.00
    7.30 to 12.00 , 12.30 to 16.00
    7.30 to 12.00 , 12.30 to 16.00
    from 7.30 to 12.00 and from 12.30 to 16.00

Related procedures and links


Further information

Taxe sur les véhicules routiers

sur le Portail des douanes et accises

Legal references

  • Loi modifiée du 22 décembre 2006

    promouvant le maintien dans l'emploi et définissant des mesures spéciales en matière de sécurité sociale et de politique de l'environnement

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 9 mars 2009

    concernant l'octroi d'un remboursement partiel de la taxe sur les véhicules routiers et autres mesures diverses en matière de la taxe sur les véhicules routiers

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