Subsidy for the purchase of a pedelec25 or a bicycle
Last update
In order to encourage private citizens to opt for electromobility and active mobility, thereby ensuring sustainable clean mobility, a subsidy is available for the purchase of a new bicycle or a new electrically assisted pedal bicycle (pedelec25) for private use.
On 19 June 2024, the Government Council adopted a draft Grand Ducal regulation aimed at extending by 3 months (from July to September 2024) and under unchanged conditions the 'Klimabonus Mobilitéit' financial aid scheme for the promotion of zero-emission CO2 road vehicles, subject to the finalisation of the legislative and regulatory procedures.
The extension applies to vehicles purchased by 30 September 2024 at the latest.
From 1 October 2024, financial aid for bicycles and pedal-assist cycles (50% of the cost excluding VAT, up to a maximum of EUR 600) is reserved for people who belong to a household in receipt of the cost-of-living allowance or the energy allowance at the time of purchase of the bicycle or pedal-assist cycle.
Also from 1 October 2024, new financial aid of 50% of the cost (excluding VAT) of the vehicle, up to a maximum of EUR 1,000, will be introduced for cycles and pedal-assist cycles designed to carry, behind and/or in front of the rider, other people and/or larger goods than on a conventional bicycle ('cargo bike').
This new financial aid scheme applies to vehicles purchased between 1 October 2024 and 30 June 2026.
Financial aid can be applied for now. However, no aid will be paid until the draft Grand Ducal regulation has been passed.
Who is concerned
The subsidy is available to natural persons who reside in Luxembourg, for their personal needs, whether they are an adult or a minor.
Applications on behalf of a minor have to be submitted by their legal guardian.
Financial assistance can only be granted once every 5 years per individual.
The financial aid is granted for new vehicles whose invoice is established between 1 January 2019 and 30 June 2024 inclusive. The financial aid does not apply to a vehicle that is to be resold or exported.
Electric scooters, hoverboards, solowheels, and other devices for urban board sports are not eligible.
There are no restrictions with regard to the place of purchase of the bicycle or pedelec25, i.e. it can be purchased in Luxembourg, abroad or on the internet.
The financial aid application must be submitted 1 year at the latest after the purchase of the vehicle.
How to proceed
Applying for the subsidy
The subsidy for sustainable mobility can be applied for:
- online using; or
- by post.
- Application via
- Application by post
In order to submit your application online, you:
- need an authentication product (LuxTrust, eID or eIDAS); and
- have to create a private eSpace on
Anyone with a private eSpace on which is linked to their mobile app can also submit their application using themobile app.
Applications on behalf of a minor have to be submitted through the private eSpace of their legal guardian.
The application form (see 'Online services and forms') and supporting documents must be sent to the following address:
Administration de l’environnement
Subsides et aides financières
1, avenue du Rock’n’Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
In the event of difficulties using the PDF form, please consult the explanatory document "Using and filling in interactive forms on".
Supporting documents
The application must be accompanied by the receipted invoice which must indicate:
- the invoice number and date;
- the name and surname of the applicant;
- a bank account identification document (RIB) of the account on which the aid is to be paid;
- the type of vehicle with the mention 'cycle au sens du Code de la route' (bicycle as defined by the Highway Code) or any other proof attesting that it is a bicycle without an auxiliary motor or whose auxiliary motor does not operate beyond 25 km/h;
- the sale price excluding VAT.
A proof of payment must be attached as well:
- the receipted and dated invoice, stamped by the shop and signed by the seller; or
- if the invoice is not receipted directly by the seller, a debit notice or a credit/debit card statement must be attached to the invoice.
Application processing time
Due to the high number of applications for a subsidy for the purchase of a pedelec25 or a bicycle submitted to the Environment Agency, the processing of the file can take several months.
Amount of the subsidy
The subsidy is granted by the Ministry of Environment, Climate and Biodiversity.
Private individuals are entitled to a subsidy amounting to 50 % of the cost of the vehicle excluding VAT, without exceeding EUR 600 for the purchase of a pedelec25 or a bicycle between 11 May 2020 and 30 June 2024 (the invoice must be presented).
The financial aid application must be submitted 1 year at the latest after the purchase of the vehicle.
Accumulation of subsidies
A private individual can accumulate the subsidy granted for the purchase of a bicycle or an assisted pedal bicycle with the one for vehicles subject to registration.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Environment Agency Financial Aid
- Address:
- 1, avenue du Rock'n'Roll L - 4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
- Phone:
(+352) 40 56 56 444
Telephone reception from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
sur le site de Klima-Agence
Legal references
portant introduction d’une aide financière pour la promotion des véhicules routiers à zéro ou à faibles émissions de CO2