Applying for financial assistance to pay for gerontology services

Last update

The social legislation provides for the granting of a 'gerontology admission' supplement to persons admitted indefinitely to:

  • an integrated centre for the elderly (centre intégré pour personnes âgées - CIPA);
  • a care home or another medico-social establishment providing day and night care;

and whose personal resources do not allow them to cover the cost of accommodation and additional expenses (personal needs).

The 'gerontology admission' supplement concerns accommodation costs not covered by social security benefits. It can be combined with long-term care insurance benefits.

The supplement is covered by the National Solidarity Fund (FNS), which pays the institution monthly rather than paying the applicant. The institution must be authorised in accordance with the law and be located in Luxembourg.

The acts and services to be provided on a compulsory basis by the institution, the cost of which is included in the basic price on a flat-rate basis, are the following:

  • accommodation;
  • health and safety;
  • assistance with day-to-day activities;
  • sociocultural support;
  • the promotion of individual skills;
  • philosophical and religious assistance.

Who is concerned?

The 'gerontology admission' supplement is primarily intended for the elderly but may also cover younger people who are dependent and require ongoing care.


The applicant must:

  • be admitted for an indefinite period to an integrated centre for the elderly (CIPA), a care home, a medico-social establishment providing day and night care;
  • not have sufficient income and/or savings to cover the price of gerontology services.

How to proceed

Filing an application

Application forms can be downloaded below, under 'Online services and forms' or picked up from the various institutions.

The 'gerontology admission' application is composed of 2 parts:

  • a first part containing information on the room occupied and on the applicant;
  • a form for the spouse who continues to live in the marital home.
    A copy should be added to the first part of the dossier, where applicable.

Both parts must be filled in, signed and sent by post to the FNS.

Calculation of the supplement amount

The supplement paid by the FNS is calculated using the following parameters:

  • the beneficiary's personal resources;
  • the price (accommodation price charged or, where applicable, the maximum amount provided for by law);
  • the monthly amount necessary to cover personal needs. This amount, set at EUR 538.34 (at the current index value), is deducted from the applicant's income.

The amount of the supplement is the difference between the cost of the accommodation and the applicant's income, minus the amount of EUR 538.34 (at the current index value).

During the processing of the application, all personal resources of the applicant are considered. If the applicant has movable assets (cash, bank balances, shares, bonds, company shares etc.) of a value in excess of EUR 23.610.87 (at the current index value), the supplement is not due.

In addition to movable assets, all net annual income available to the applicant (alone or with their spouse) is taken into account. This includes:

  • pensions and annuities, as well as all other alternative income, in Luxembourg or abroad;
  • income from any professional activity;
  • allocations, benefits or help from a public or private organisation;
  • maintenance payments;
  • income from movable and immovable property.

If real estate located in Luxembourg belongs in whole or in part to the beneficiary of the supplement, it will be subject to a legal mortgage. If the buildings are unoccupied following the resident's admission to an institution, the beneficiary of the supplement is given a period of one year to obtain an income from these properties by renting or selling them. If the properties do not generate income after this period, their value is considered as personal resources.

If real estate abroad is owned in whole or in part by the beneficiary of the supplement, an immediate life annuity, the amount of which is considered income, is established.

Determining the maximum accommodation price

The price of accommodation is limited by the provisions of the law. It depends on the number of quality points awarded to the institution and the room.

The limit is set at:

  • EUR 3,200.35 (at the current index value) for a resident occupying a single room of 30m2 or more with a private bathroom; and
  • EUR 2,884.15 (at the current index value) for a resident sharing a room of 60m2 or more plus bathroom with another person.

This limit is reduced by EUR 42.68 (at the current index value) for each quality point not awarded (surface area less than 30m2, no bathroom and/or toilet, etc.).

When calculating the supplement, the FNS takes into account either the amount invoiced by the institution or the maximum amount set by law, if the price invoiced is higher than the maximum amount.


For couples in a marriage or registered partnership (PACS) where only one member is accommodated in an institution, the household's total income is taken into account . When calculating the supplement, the FNS deducts an amount of EUR 2,399.25 (at the current index value) from the total income for the spouse/partner who continues to live in the marital home. This amount is increased by EUR 1,152.08 (at the current index value) per month and per dependent child. In addition, the rent to be paid or the mortgage to be repaid for the home occupied by the spouse is deducted from the couple's total income up to a maximum monthly amount of EUR 944.43 (at the current index value), where applicable.

If both spouses are admitted to a care institution, the FNS assesses the personal resources of each spouse using an amount equal to 50 % of the total household income.

If the couple has movable assets (cash, bank balances, shares, bonds, company shares etc.) of a value in excess of EUR 47,221.75 (at the current index value), the supplement is not due.

Demand for repayment of the supplement

The repayment of the supplement paid by the FNS is requested from beneficiaries of the supplement who have become wealthier through a property sale, an inheritance, etc.

The beneficiary's donee is obliged to return the supplement paid by the FNS up to the value of the donation, if the donation was made within 10 years prior to the application or after the age of 50 of the donor receiving the supplement. The FNS will regularly send a statement of benefits paid with a claim for repayment to the donee.

A repayment of the supplement is also requested from the beneficiary's heirs. However, the FNS cannot claim a repayment on the first bracket of the estate, set at EUR 280,941.08 (at the current index value), from the surviving spouse or direct descendants.

If the surviving spouse or a direct descendant continues to live in the property that belonged to the beneficiary of the supplement, the FNS cannot claim repayment on this property as long as this situation continues.


The person concerned has a right of appeal against decisions taken by the National Solidarity Fund before the Social Security Arbitration Tribunal and the High Council of Social Security (Conseil arbitral et Conseil supérieur de la Sécurité sociale). The appeal must be lodged within 40 days of the notification of the decision.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

2 of 3 bodies shown

Related procedures and links



Further information

Participation in the costs of the gerontological services

on the website of the National Solidarity Fund (FNS)

Legal references

  • Loi modifiée du 30 avril 2004

    autorisant le Fonds national de solidarité à participer aux prix des prestations fournies dans le cadre de l'accueil aux personnes admises dans un centre intégré pour personnes âgées, une maison de soins ou un autre établissement médico-social assurant un accueil de jour et de nuit

  • Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 27 septembre 2004

    portant exécution de la loi du 30 avril 2004 autorisant le Fonds national de solidarité à participer aux prix des prestations fournies dans le cadre de l'accueil aux personnes admises dans un centre intégré pour personnes âgées, une maison de soins ou un autre établissement médico-social assurant un accueil de jour et de nuit

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