Flying the Luxembourg flag
Last update
Since 1990 and the passing of the law on the creation of a public shipping register, Luxembourg has managed to develop an efficient register and an attractive business platform for businesses in the maritime sector.
Throughout the years, there has been a move towards the development of synergies between the logistics, the financial and the insurance sectors which has resulted in the integration of the maritime sector in the government's policy of economic diversification.
It is in this context that the Luxembourg Maritime Administration (Commissariat aux affaires maritimes - CAM) acts as a service provider and as the supervisory authority in the sector and for the accredited maritime companies operating out of Luxembourg. The Luxembourg Maritime Administration, without prejudice to the powers of other public administrations, shall ensure the application of the provisions as foreseen by law and follow up on the development of the international maritime law, in particular within the European Union.
Who is concerned
The following ships can be registered in the Luxembourg public shipping register:
- ships that are majority owned (over 50 %) by European Union nationals or by commercial companies having their registered office in an EU Member State;
- ships with bareboat in registration and operated by the same persons provided that all, or at least a significant part of the management of the ship is carried out in Luxembourg.
How to proceed
Accreditation of a maritime company
Maritime companies whose business purpose is the purchase, sale, chartering in or out, the management of seagoing vessels and all directly or indirectly related financial or commercial operations can obtain accreditation from the Minister of the Economy.
Application for accreditation of a maritime manager
The company must, under the agreement, use the services of a designated natural or legal person who is to act as the maritime manager. Prior to commencing their duties, the maritime manager must have been accredited by the Minister of the Economy.
In order to be accredited as a maritime manager, the person concerned must have their place of residence in Luxembourg and provide proof of professional experience and integrity.
Registration of ships
Ships with a tonnage of at least 25 tons which are used, or are intended to be regularly used, for the transport by sea of persons or things, for towing or any other commercial seafaring activity can be registered in the Luxembourg public shipping register.
Only the ships of less than 15 years of age can become subject to a first registration under the Luxembourg flag.
The ship must be classified by one of the following approved classification societies:
- American Bureau of Shipping
- Bureau Veritas
- Korean Registry
- Lloyd’s Register
Each ship applying for registration to fly the Luxembourg flag must undergo / have undergone an inspection by the maritime administration of an EU Member State or an approved classification society.
Composition of the crew
The master of a ship flying the Luxembourg flag must be a national of an EU Member State. In some cases, the Minister can grant an exemption to the nationality requirement.
All seafarers employed on a ship flying the Luxembourg flag must have a Luxembourg seaman's book.
All seafarers employed on a ship flying the Luxembourg flag must be covered by a social security scheme. This table can help you identify the social security scheme that applies.
Notwithstanding the capacities and/or functions of the seafarers on board the ship, the maritime company must ensure that the crew members on the Luxembourg flagged ship meet the requirements in terms of:
- health (medical certificate);
- training (including complementary training and refresher programmes);
- experience, and;
- certification.
The master and all the officers must hold an endorsement of their certificate of proficiency issued by Luxembourg and present said document on request from a Port State Control Officer (PSCO) during the inspection.
Seamen who are responsible for preparing the meals must hold the Cook's certificate, which provides proof of the required training and qualification for said position.
All certificates and diplomas of seafarers issued by a Member State of the European Union are also recognised by Luxembourg (certificates of competency/proficiency).
Certificates of competency/proficiency issued by third countries can also be recognised in Luxembourg if:
- the authorisation of endorsement was granted by the European Commission;
- a signed agreement of recognition of certificates has been entered into with the third country.
Certificates of competency/proficiency issued by a third country which is not on the list cannot be recognised.
Applications for a seaman's book or a recognition of certificates of competency/proficiency must be submitted online on
Online services and forms
Online services
Who to contact
Luxembourg Maritime Administration (CAM)
- Address:
- 3-5, rue Auguste Lumière L-1950 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 844 53
- Fax:
- (+352) 29 91 40
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
on the portal
on the portal
Legal references
Règlement grand-ducal du 16 mars 2012
concernant le respect des obligations de l'État du Pavillon
Directive (UE) 2022/993 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 8 juin 2022
concernant le niveau minimal de formation des gens de mer
Loi du 17 juin 1994
modifiant et complétant la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d'un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 24 décembre 1990
concernant l’exécution de l’article 24 de la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
- International Convention and Code on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
Loi modifiée du 9 novembre 1990
ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois