Accreditation of a maritime company
Last update
Maritime companies or managers who plan to set up in Luxembourg must obtain accreditation from the Minister responsible for maritime affairs before they can commence business operations. Following accreditation, they can register a ship and apply for a seaman's book for their crew members.
Applications for accreditation are processed by the Luxembourg Maritime Administration (Commissariat aux affaires maritimes - CAM).
Who is concerned
Accreditation can only be granted to a maritime company or a maritime manager.
Preliminary steps
Appointing the maritime manager
In order to be appointed as a maritime manager, applicants have to:
- reside in Luxembourg;
- provide proof of professional integrity;
Professional integrity is assessed upon the basis of criminal records and all the elements likely to establish that the person in question has a good reputation and provides the necessary guarantees for proper business conduct.
- provide proof of the required professional experience;
Professional experience is based on the fact that the person has already carried out similar activities with a high level of responsibility and autonomy.
Where the maritime manager is a legal person, the managing bodies of the company must meet the same conditions as natural persons but also need to have the necessary infrastructure in Luxembourg to carry out their business.
A maritime manager can be in the employ of several companies.
Departure of the maritime manager
When the maritime manager leaves his employment, the Minister must be informed and the maritime company must have the accredited person replaced. The Minister can grant a period of maximum of 6 months to the company to have the maritime manager replaced.
How to proceed
Application for accreditation
The request must be submitted via and the applicant must, depending on his case:
- either complete an application for accreditation of a maritime company;
- or complete an application for accreditation of a maritime manager.
Completed applications can be saved in the applicant's eSpace until the application is finalised.
When all the fields are completed, the system generates:
- the form corresponding to the applicant's situation;
- the list of supporting documents (criminal record, Curriculum Vitae, copy of the company’s articles of association, etc.).
Once the application is finalised and validated, it must be sent to the CAM via the secure electronic transmission system of
Following up on the application
Applicants can follow up on their application in their personal eSpace.
Online services and forms
Online services
Who to contact
Luxembourg Maritime Administration (CAM)
- Address:
- 3-5, rue Auguste Lumière L-1950 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 844 53
- Fax:
- (+352) 29 91 40
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
on the portal
on the portal
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 9 novembre 1990
ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 24 décembre 1990
concernant l’exécution de l’article 24 de la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Loi du 17 juin 1994
modifiant et complétant la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d'un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Règlement grand-ducal du 16 mars 2012
concernant le respect des obligations de l'État du Pavillon