Registration/deletion from the Luxembourg shipping register
Last update
There are 3 different procedures concerning the registration of ships in the Luxembourg public shipping register:
- the application for full registration, which is when the ownership rights are registered in Luxembourg and the ship is authorised to fly the Luxembourg flag;
- the application for bareboat-in registration, which is when the ownership rights of the ship are registered in another country and the ship flies the Luxembourg flag;
- the application for bareboat-out registration, which is when the ownership rights of the ship are registered in Luxembourg and the ship flies a foreign flag.
Applications for registration, renewal and deletion are processed by the Luxembourg Maritime Administration (Commissariat aux Affaires Maritimes - CAM).
For vessels with a crew, a minimum safe manning request must be made when submitting the registration application. In the case of a change in commercial operations which would justify a change in the minimum safe manning requirement, a new application may be filed.
Similarly, any change to the information that must be included in the application and the documents produced for registration purposes must be notified to the CAM within 30 days (example: change of owner, change of declarant, change of charterer, change of vessel name).
Who is concerned
The applications must be submitted:
- either by the owner of the ship;
- or by the charterer in the event of bareboat-in registration;
- or by the operator in whose name the ship will be registered.
An operator may apply for full registration in his own name if he has been specifically authorised to do so by the owner and if he accepts responsibility for the ship and the persons on board pursuant to Luxembourg law and under the same conditions and in the same respect as the owner of the ship, if the registration had been made in his name.
Any maritime company established in Luxembourg must, before commencing its activities, be accredited as a Luxembourg maritime company.
In order to register a ship in Luxembourg, all, or at least a significant part of the management of the ship, must be carried out in Luxembourg and the ship must:
- either be owned by more than half by EU nationals or by commercial companies having their registered office in an EU Member State;
- or be operated by the same persons;
- or be chartered in on a bareboat basis.
A ship is defined as any floating craft:
- a gross tonnage equal to or greater than 200;
- which has the capacity to be used for surface or underwater navigation;
- which is usually exposed to the risks of the sea; and
- which is operated or intended to be operated commercially.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You must fill in the online form via, depending on your situation:
- the application for bareboat-in registration;
- the application for bareboat-out registration;
- the application for full registration;
- the application for deletion of a ship in the shipping register;
- the notification of modification of Art.8;
- the safe manning declaration.
Completed applications can be saved in your eSpace until the application is finalised.
When all the fields are completed, the system generates:
- the form corresponding to your situation;
- a list of the required supporting documents (sales contract, technical documents of the ship, crew list, etc.).
Once the application is finalised and validated, you must send it to the CAM via the secure electronic transmission system of
Following up on the application
The registration certificate is handed to the applicant in person.
The deletion certificate is handed in person to the applicant; it will allow the registrar of the mortgage registry to proceed with the deletion of the ship from the Luxembourg shipping register.
Online services and forms
Online services
Who to contact
Luxembourg Maritime Administration (CAM)
- Address:
- 3-5, rue Auguste Lumière L-1950 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 844 53
- Fax:
- (+352) 29 91 40
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Registration procedures
on the portal
on the portal
on the portal
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 9 novembre 1990
ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Loi du 17 juin 1994
modifiant et complétant la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d'un registre public maritime luxembourgeois
Loi du 20 décembre 2024
portant modification 1° de la loi modifiée du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois 2° du Code de la consommation 3° de la loi modifiée du 14 avril 1992 instituant un code disciplinaire et pénal pour la marine 4° de la loi du 23 septembre 1997 portant réglementation de la navigation de plaisance et portant modification de certaines autres dispositions légales 5° de la loi du 29 avril 2000 transposant la directive n° 92/29/CEE du Conseil du 31 mars 1992 concernant les prescriptions minimales de sécurité et de santé pour promouvoir une meilleure assistance médicale à bord des navires
Règlement grand-ducal modifié du 24 décembre 1990
concernant l’exécution de l’article 24 de la loi du 9 novembre 1990 ayant pour objet la création d’un registre public maritime luxembourgeois