Approval as a rescue training organisation
Last update
Organisations wishing to provide rescue training courses that are equivalent to those provided by the National Institute for Rescue Training (Institut National de Formation des Secours - INFS) must apply for approval.
Who is concerned: any legal or natural person, other than the INFS, wishing to provide rescue training courses.
Any organisation planning to provide rescue training courses that are recognised as equivalent to those provided by the National Institute for Rescue Training (INFS) must be approved beforehand.
The approval is issued by the Minister responsible for rescue services and only covers courses that are actually offered by the INFS. If you plan to offer other courses within your organisation, you may do so, but these will not benefit from automatic recognition of equivalence with the courses offered by the INFS.
Approval does not exempt your organisation from obtaining other accreditations or authorisations issued by other authorities.
Who is concerned
Any legal or natural person, other than the INFS, wishing to provide rescue training courses.
Before submitting your application, you should check whether or not you need to be approved or authorised as a 'manager of a continuing professional training establishment', in accordance with the Labour Code.
The approval is only for rescue training courses, it does not provide approval for your organisation as a continuing professional training establishment.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You must contact the General Department of Civil Security of the Ministry of Home Affairs by email ( and inform them that you wish to apply for approval.
The General Department of Civil Security will then send you a link to an electronic document exchange platform.
You must then fill in the form and add all the requested supporting documents. After that you can submit your complete application file via the electronic document exchange platform.
Submissions on paper are not accepted.
On the form, you must state:
- contact details of your organisation and those of its representative;
- the training courses offered (only those that correspond to the courses provided by the INFS);
- the methods of evaluation;
- the trainer(s) and their respective education and experience;
- the target audience;
- the means of certifying participation;
- the internal organisation.
Please note: the trainer(s) must present:
- either a certificate or diploma issued by the Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS) attesting to their skills as a trainer;
- or a certificate or diploma recognised as equivalent.
Supporting documents
You must also enclose with your application:
- an up-to-date version of your articles of association;
- an extract from the Trade and Companies Register;
- a certificate for your civil liability insurance covering training activities;
- for each of the trainers: a certificate or diploma issued by the CGDIS attesting to the trainer's skills, or, where applicable, a certificate or diploma recognised as equivalent by the CGDIS.
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
The Minister will respond within 3 months of receipt of the complete application.
The approval takes the form of a ministerial order which indicates:
- the approved training course;
- the approval number;
- its duration of validity.
The approval:
- cannot be transferred;
- must be posted at your organisation's head office.
The approval number must appear on all correspondence with users or the general public.
As an approved training organisation, you undertake to:
- ensure the proper functioning and provision of the training courses for which approval has been requested;
- have the necessary technical and pedagogical materials for the training courses for which approval has been requested;
- have the sufficient number of trainers to conduct the training courses in a satisfactory manner;
- have an adequate infrastructure for conducting trainings;
- comply with the standards for positions, activities and skills approved by the CGDIS board of directors;
- submit an annual activity report to the Minister, no later than the third month following the previous year, specifying the number of participants and the number of training certificates issued.
The Minister may suspend or revoke your approval should you fail to comply with your obligations,
You must inform the Minister without delay of any changes to the information provided when you submitted your initial application for approval or your application for renewal.
The approval is valid for 5 years and is renewable.
You must submit a renewal application to the Minister:
- 6 months before the expiry date of the current approval;
- via the application form and proceed in the same way as for the initial application.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Home Affairs General Department of Civil Security
- Address:
32, rue Hugo Gernsback
B.P. 10, L-2010 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 24 78 46 00
- Email address:
Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours (CGDIS)
- Address:
- 3, boulevard de Kockelscheuer L-1821 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
(+352) 49 77 12 332
Volunteer Department
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Reconnaissance des diplômes et la validation des acquis
sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Corps grand-ducal d'incendie et de secours (CGDIS)
sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Reconnaissance des diplômes et la validation des acquis
sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Cours de premiers secours
sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 27 mars 2018
portant organisation de la sécurité civile et création d’un Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours
Règlement grand-ducal du 13 juillet 2018
sur les associations et organismes agréé(e)s de secours
Arrêté ministériel du 3 mars 2022
arrêtant le programme et le contenu des formations dispensées par l’Institut national de formation des secours du CGDIS