Fit 4 Digital programme

Last update

Fit 4 Digital is a programme offering guidance and co-funding to businesses. It is spearheaded by Luxinnovation and supported by the Ministry of the Economy (Ministère de l'Économie), and comprises 2 phases.

Phase 1: businesses have the option of having a consultant provide an assessment of their level of digital maturity, in terms of IT infrastructure, cybersecurity and software.

The assessment is accompanied by a detailed plan listing various costed actions (consultancy and investment in hardware/software) that could be implemented to improve the business’s digital readiness.

State aid is provided – in the form of a capital grant – to cover the cost of the assessment.

Phase 2: the business then chooses whether or not to implement all or some of the recommendations listed in the detailed plan.

The investments made in furtherance of the digital readiness plan may be eligible for investment aid.

In addition, the fees charged by the consultant accompanying the business through the implementation phase may be eligible for aid for consultancy services.

Who is concerned?

Eligible businesses

Fit 4 Digital assessment funding is granted to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs):

Eligible costs

Phase 1: the cost of the assessment is set at a fixed price of EUR 5,000, which is covered in full by a grant in the same amount.

Phase 2: the amount of any investments made further to the assessment, as well as any consultant’s fees, may be eligible for investment aid and aid for consultancy services, provided the applicable eligibility conditions are met.

How to proceed

Filing the grant application

The business must file a Fit 4 Digital application (see ‘Forms / Online services’ below) before accepting a quote that binds it to a consultant.

The application process comprises the following steps:

  • the business chooses the consultant with whom they wish to work, and files their grant application/Fit 4 Digital application through the Luxinnovation online platform;
  • Luxinnovation confirms the eligibility of the business's application;
  • the business submits the grant application to the Ministry of the Economy;
  • the Ministry of the Economy confirms receipt of the application.

Phase 1 – Assessment

The assessment phase comprises the following steps:

  • the consultant conducts interviews with the business;
  • the assessment report and action plan are drawn up;
  • Luxinnovation validates the assessment;
  • the business validates the assessment;
  • Luxinnovation sends the payment voucher to the business;
  • the business sends the voucher, along with the receipted invoice and a copy of the assessment report, to the Ministry of the Economy;
  • the Ministry of the Economy pays the grant.

Phase 2 – Implementation

The business can choose whether or not to implement the consultant’s recommendations. If they choose to do so, the 2nd phase will comprise the following steps:

  • the recommendations are implemented (investments);
  • the invoices, along with proof of payment, are sent to the Ministry of the Economy;
  • the aid is paid (investment aid, aid for consultancy services), if the eligibility conditions are met.

The business then forwards the invoices for the investments made in connection with the Fit 4 Digital assessment, in the year of the assessment, to the Ministry of the Economy. There is no need to file a separate application for investment aid/aid for consultancy services.

Online services and forms

Who to contact


General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (Department for Support to SMEs)

Related procedures and links

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