Financial aid for investment in charging infrastructure further to a call for projects
Last update
The law of 26 July 2022 on the 'Financial aid scheme to support businesses investing in electric-vehicle charging infrastructure' (Régime d'aides en faveur des entreprises investissant dans des infrastructures de charge pour véhicules électriques) provides that enterprises undertaking projects to install publicly or privately accessible charging infrastructure with a charging capacity of at least 175 kilowatts are eligible for financial aid to support investment in electrical charging points, which is awarded on the basis of a competitive process.
The sixth call for projects, with a maximum budget of EUR 5 million, is open from 3 February 2025 until 3 June 2025. Aid application forms are available on the platform. Luxinnovation and Klima-Agence are offering practical support in implementing the projects. The specification document for the call for projects can be found here (Pdf, 380 Kb).
Who is concerned
This aid is intended for companies that have their usual place of business in Luxembourg.
Compliance with the general terms and conditions
Companies must comply with the general terms and conditions that apply to all types of aid for investment in electrical charging points.
Charging infrastructure
The charging infrastructure to which the aid application pertains must satisfy the following criteria. It must:
- be powered:
- fully by renewable electricity, as defined by law;
- if located on public or private property owned by the State or communal authorities: under the terms of renewable electricity purchase agreements as defined by the law and entered into with renewable electricity producers;
- remain operational for at least 5 years from the time it is brought into service;
- not be intended for resale or rental, with the exception of lease agreements that provide for the lessee to purchase the infrastructure at the end of the agreement;
- offer reasonable prices, which are easily and clearly comparable and transparent for the end users;
- be non-discriminatory in terms of access conditions and the prices charged to mobility service providers. The prices charged to end users and mobility service providers may only differ in a proportionate manner, and on the basis of an objective justification;
- if located on public or private property owned by the State or communal authorities: be incorporated in the common central system provided for by law;
- provide for recharging on a pay-per-use basis. For direct-current (DC) charging terminals, pay-per-use must be possible via a credit card reader;
- clearly display the price of a charge with the pay-per-use system;
- ensure that the unavailability rate of charging points does not exceed 5 % and, for charging infrastructure with 4 or more charging points, that the unavailability for the entire charging infrastructure does not exceed 1.5 %;
- consist of connected charging points;
- share static and dynamic data about the charging point through the national access point. The means by which such data are shared may be determined by Grand Ducal regulation, by the Minister for Transport.
The charging capacity of the project may not be less than 175 kilowatts.
Competition and project selection
Projects will be selected:
- within the limitations of the budget of the call for projects;
- on the basis of the lowest amount of aid per newly installed charging capacity created through the project.
The charging capacity of the project accounts for:
- 100 % for publicly accessible charging infrastructures, whose charging points are physically accessible:
- 24 hours a day;
- 7 days a week;
- 12 months of the year;
- 80 % for publicly accessible charging infrastructures, whose charging points are physically accessible at least:
- 10 hours a day;
- 5 days a week;
- 12 months of the year;
- 60 % for private charging infrastructures.
If a project offers different degrees of accessibility to charging infrastructures, only the least accessible charging infrastructures will be taken into account for the project.
In the event of equality between projects, priority will be given to the project with charging infrastructures that have the highest degree of accessibility.
Only one company may be chosen per land registry plot.
No more than 90 % of the projects submitted in response to the call for projects may be selected. If the number of projects submitted is less than 10, at least 1 project will be rejected.
For example:
Budget for the call for projects: EUR 400,000
Reminder: the maximum budget for the call for projects is published in advance and may under no circumstances exceed EUR 7 million.
Projects submitted:
Project | Capacity (kW) |
Accessibility (hours/24, days/7) | Subsidy applied for: absolute value (EUR) | Subsidy applied for: weighted intensity (EUR/kW) |
1 | 1,500 | Private | 90,000 | = 90,000 / (1,500*0.6) = 100 |
2 | 1,500 | 24/24, 7/7 | 300,000 | = 300,000 / (1,500*1.0) = 200 |
3 | 2,000 | 24/24, 7/7 | 100,000 | = 100,000 / (2,000*1.0) = 50 |
4 | 1,000 | Private | 180,000 | = 180,000 / (1,000*0.6) = 300 |
5 | 1,000 | 10/24, 5/7 | 120,000 | = 120,000 / (1,000*0.8) = 150 |
Subsidies granted:
Projects 3, 1, and 5: EUR 100,000 + EUR 90,000 + EUR 120,000 = EUR 310.000
Reminder: No more than 90 % of the projects can be selected.
The charging infrastructure must be brought into service within 12 months of the granting of the aid. If it is impossible to comply with this time limit, for duly justified reasons beyond the company's control, more time may be granted upon written request to the minister.
The sixth call for projects, with a maximum budget of EUR 5 million, is open from 3 February 2025 until 3 June 2025.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
The application for aid for investment in electrical charging points must be filed using the online assistant made available on
The person filing the application (the applicant themselves or their representative) must have a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).
The application must be filed before the commencement of the work.
How to create a business eSpace on
There are 2 possible scenarios:
- You are a new user of You must:
- first register on; and
- then create a business eSpace.
- You already have a private eSpace on You can directly create a business eSpace without having to register again.
Further information as well as tutorials in relation with the business eSpace are available in our dedicated help page.
Supporting documents
The application for aid must include the following information and documents:
- the name and size of the company;
- the company's organisational chart;
- the annual accounts for the most recently closed financial year (those of the applicant company and those of any of its partners or affiliates);
- a bank account identification document;
- a Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS) certificate (number of employees);
- a copy of the company's operating permit;
- the dates on which the work will commence and the charging infrastructure brought into service;
- where the charging points are concerned:
- the number thereof, their nominal power and their charging capacity;
- whether or not they operate using a smart charging system;
- when the project involves increasing the charging capacity of existing charging infrastructure, the number and nominal power of the existing charging points, and the charging capacity of the existing charging infrastructure;
- a list of the eligible costs;
- the amount and intensity of financial aid required to complete the project;
- the GPS coordinates and, where applicable, the number of the land registry plot where the charging infrastructures are located;
- in the case of a lease agreement, the name of the lessor and the power of attorney authorising them to apply for the aid and receive payment on the lessee's behalf;
- when the applicant business does not own the land: an agreement in principle, conditional upon the granting of the aid, whereby the owner grants the applicant the use of the property to operate charging infrastructure;
- any other relevant information which would help the ministers in charge to assess the qualities or the specific features of the project and its incentive effect.
Companies that have existed for less than 3 years must provide a business plan.
The same company may submit several projects in response to each call for projects.
Maximum amount of financial aid
The amount of the aid is calculated based on the eligible project costs.
For each project, the maximum intensity of the aid may not exceed:
- 50 % for publicly accessible charging infrastructures, whose charging points are physically accessible:
- 24 hours a day;
- 7 days a week;
- 12 months of the year;
- 40 % for publicly accessible charging infrastructures, whose charging points are physically accessible at least:
- 10 hours a day;
- 5 days a week;
- 12 months of the year;
- 30 % for private charging infrastructures.
The maximum amount of aid granted to a single company under the same call for projects is 40 % of the budget allocated to the call for projects.
The budget for each call for projects may not exceed EUR 7 million.
Investments to be made
The investments made as part of a project to install charging infrastructure, or to increase the charging capacity of an existing charging infrastructure, include:
- charging point(s);
- connection to the electrical grid (storage facilities are eligible when they help reduce the need for the charging points to draw upon the electrical grid);
- a shared smart charging management system;
- data transmission devices;
- inspection of the charging points;
- a payment system;
- site signage;
- associated civil engineering work.
Operating costs and costs involved in complying with legal, regulatory or administrative requirements in force are not eligible.
The eligible costs do not include taxes or other deductions.
Payment of the aid
The capital subsidy is paid by the Ministry of the Economy once the project is completed.
The application for payment of the aid is to be submitted using the online assistant available on This can be done in 2 different ways:
- by providing a detailed breakdown of costs, where each individual cost item is reported: to be used if there are 10 invoices or less to be declared; or
- in a summarised manner, where the total per type of cost is reported: to be used if there are more than 10 invoices to be declared.
Details of the documents to be provided depending on the cost statement templates are available under 'Pièces à joindre à la démarche en ligne'.
The person filing the application (the applicant themselves or their representative) must have a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).
The application for payment must be filed before the deadline specified in the decision/agreement.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate - Industry, New Technologies and Research (Financing and State Aid)
- Address:
19-21, boulevard Royal
L-2914 Luxembourg
- Email address:
- Website:
Luxinnovation Aid
- Address:
- 5, avenue des Hauts-Fourneaux L-4362 Esch-sur-Alzette
- Phone:
- (+352) 43 62 63 1
- Website:
Related procedures and links
on the website of the European Commission
Nouveau régime d’aides en faveur des entreprises investissant dans des infrastructures de charge pour véhicules électriques - Foire aux questions
Pdf • 1,28 Mo
Cahier des charges de l’appel à projets portant sur l’installation d’infrastructures de charge pour véhicules électriques au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Pdf • 380 Kb
Résultats des appels à projets portant sur l’installation d’infrastructures de charge pour véhicules électriques au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
Pdf • 253 Ko
Legal references
Loi du 26 juillet 2022
relative au régime d’aides en faveur des entreprises investissant dans des infrastructures de charge pour véhicules électriques
Loi modifiée du 1er août 2007
relative à l'organisation du marché de l'électricité