Exceptional measure for intensive out-of-hospital support to ensure the provision of home care

Last update

The exceptional measure for intensive out-of-hospital support to ensure the provision of home care is a form of financial aid intended for adults or children who receive home care (out-of-hospital setting) provided by:

  • members of their family;
  • carers under an employment contract;
  • healthcare professionals under an employment contract.

It is often the case that applicants or their family members must make a significant financial contribution to cover the costs of home care. In some cases, the needs exceed the benefits provided by the Luxembourg social assistance and social security system.

As such, this aid seeks to reduce the expenses incurred by the applicant or their family members for the provision of home care, and to cover the cost of providing out-of-hospital care that is both tailored to their needs and compliant with the legal provisions in force, particularly as regards the qualifications required of home carers.

The aid is granted by application. Applications are received through the platform for inter-ministerial dialogue, which comprises representatives from the Ministry of Health and Social Security (Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale), the Ministry of Family Affairs and Integration (Ministère de la Famille et de l’Intégration), the Ministry of Health and Social Security (Ministère de la Santé et de la Sécurité sociale) and the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de Santé). After reviewing the application, the platform will forward an opinion to the Minister of Health and Social Security.

Who is concerned

The aid is intended for any dependent person who:

  • requires 24-hour out-of-hospital care and support;
  • receives home care (out-of-hospital setting) provided by:
    • a family member; or
    • carers under an employment contract, who they themselves have hired;
  • uses the services of healthcare professionals:
    • who belong to a care and assistance network; or
    • that they themselves have hired;
  • is registered with the Luxembourg social security system, or receives accident insurance benefits without being registered.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

Applications must be filed using a special form (see 'Online services / Forms').

The form, together with all required supporting documents, must be delivered to the Ministry of Health and Social Security:

  • by post; or
  • in person.

The application may only be submitted once a year and only for:

  • the current calendar year; or
  • the year preceding the current calendar year.

On receipt of the application, the platform will review the file to determine whether the care expenses can be covered under the exceptional measure for intensive out-of-hospital support.

The platform meets at least twice a year and as often as required to process the applications received.

Supporting documents

The application must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • a copy of the applicant's identity card;
  • a bank account identification document;
  • proof of income (salary, annuities, pension, unemployment benefits, maintenance/support, allowances and benefits received from a public or private body, rent, etc.);
  • expense vouchers (bills, carers' employment contracts, etc.);
  • a detailed breakdown of revenues and expenditure;
  • if the main applicant is under a protection scheme: power of attorney or judgement (guardianship, curatorship, protection of the court);
  • a medical certificate issued by the applicant's GP (general practitioner).

The inter-ministerial platform will check whether the application is admissible and, if it is not, will ask the applicant to provide the required documents.

Amount of aid

The financial aid is granted:

  • by application;
  • once per calendar year.

The requested amount may not exceed the cost of the applicant's intensive out-of-hospital support requirements. The aid is intended to ensure that the beneficiary can remain at home for as long as they wish, and for as long as their condition requires, provided that the support is not already covered by health insurance, long-term care insurance or any other public body.

The granted amount will be paid to the beneficiary or the caregiver:

  • at the beneficiary's written request;
  • on a monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annual basis, depending on the beneficiary's expenses.

If the application is for payment other than on an annual basis, the amount to be paid will be proportional to the total amount for the number of months requested.

Applicant's obligations

The beneficiary must inform the Platform, in writing, of any change in their circumstances and specify when such a change occurred.

The beneficiary may not use the granted amounts for any purposes other than those specified in the application.

If, for duly justified reasons, the financial resources need to be reallocated, the beneficiary must file an application to that end. Reallocations that have not been applied for and approved are considered ineligible.


Should the application be refused, the applicant may lodge an appeal within 3 months of receiving the notification of refusal.

The petition must be filed with the administrative tribunal, at the following address:

1, rue du Fort Thüngen (Nouvel hémicycle)
L-1499 Luxembourg

The appeal must be lodged in the form of a petition signed by a lawyer registered on the list of lawyers established by the Luxembourg Bar Council (Conseil des Ordres des avocats).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Ministry of Health and Social Security

2 of 20 bodies shown

2 of 20 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Legal references

Loi du 1er décembre 1978

réglant la procédure administrative non contentieuse

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