Renewing a boat licence

Last update

Two months before the expiry of a boat licence, the Luxembourg Maritime Administration (Commissariat aux affaires maritimes - CAM) sends its holder an invitation to renew it for an additional term of 10 years.


An administrative fee of EUR 24 is payable to obtain the renewed licence. This fee is paid by purchasing a transferable chancellery stamp from the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (Administration de l’enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA - AED).

How to proceed

A pre-filled form, which must be used to request the renewal, is included with the reminder.

The licence holder simply needs to sign the form, after checking that the information is correct and making any necessary changes, and return it to the CAM.

In support of the application, applicants should include:

  • a recent identification photo (45 × 35 mm);
  • a medical fitness certificate.

Online services and forms

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