Applying for financial aid for special home adaptations for the physically disabled

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The aid for special home adaptations for disabled persons is a subsidy that may be granted for the purpose of adapting new or existing constructions for people with one or more disabilities.

The subsidy amounts to 60 % of the cost of works not covered by the long-term care insurance and may not exceed EUR 20,000. The granting of the subsidy is linked to income conditions and the composition of your household.

The subsidy can be paid in several instalments.

This aid can be applied for within 2 years of the date of issue of the invoices for the adaptation work.

The eTracking function for hardcopy (paper) forms is available for this procedure. This function enables users to stay informed about the advancement of their applications by email and/or by SMS.

Who is concerned?

If you are a disabled person or the legal representative of a disabled person and you have made special home adaptations at your own expense, you can apply for financial aid for these works.

In order to be eligible for this subsidy:

  • you must be legally resident in Luxembourg;
  • the dwelling must be your principal and permanent place of residence;
  • you must have carried out the special adaptations at your own expense;
  • you must:
    • be personally affected by one or more disabilities that result in permanent impairment or reduction and prevent you from carrying out daily activities, in particular moving around by your own means; or
    • be the person's legal representative;
  • the special adaptation work may not have been covered by your long-term care insurance.

How to proceed

Special adaptations

The following special adaptations are eligible for aid:

  • adaptation to improve access to the property;
  • transformations and adaptations inside the home, facilitating the mobility of the disabled person;
  • enlargement of doors;
  • first-time installation of a special elevator or equivalent type of equipment;
  • first-time installation of special equipment in the kitchen, bathroom and toilets;
  • technical equipment to meet specific needs.

Filing an application

If you wish to benefit from this aid, you must submit your application to the Single point of contact for housing assistance of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning using a specific form (see 'Forms / Online services').

The completed and signed form along with all necessary supporting documents can be submitted to the Single point of contact for housing assistance:

  • by post; or
  • by depositing the form at their offices; or
  • by email to:

Note: applications submitted electronically will be confirmed by postal mail by the administration.

Supporting documents

You must include the following supporting documents with your application:

  • a copy of your ID card; and
  • a medical certificate attesting to the disability; and
  • a household composition declaration, dated and signed by yourself; and
  • documents providing proof of the household income; and
  • a certificate of affiliation to the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale – CCSS); and
  • a copy of the receipted invoices; and
  • if you are a foreign national, a certificate attesting to your right of residence.

If you are applying as a disabled person under protective supervision (curatorship, guardianship), your application must be completed and signed by your legal representative.

In this case, a copy of the identity card of your legal representative must be added to the application.

The application must be submitted within 2 years of the date of issue of the invoices for the adaptation work.

Consideration of family status

The status to be taken into account is that existing on the date of the decision to grant the aid.

You must immediately inform the minister of any change that could affect the granting, maintenance, modification or withdrawal of the aid, failing which you may be required to reimburse the aid retroactively.

Consideration of income

The granting of the subsidy is linked to the income of your household which must be below the amounts set by law.

Your household's net monthly income is calculated by taking into account:

  • the net income, after deduction of social security contributions and actual taxes withheld;
  • maintenance payments received (maintenance payments paid are deducted from income);
  • net accident annuity amounts;
  • gross earnings paid for overtime hours.

You must immediately inform the minister of any change that could affect the granting, maintenance, modification or withdrawal of the aid, failing which you may be required to reimburse the aid retroactively.

Principal and permanent residence

The home in which the special adaptations have been made and for which the subsidy is being applied for must remain your principal and permanent residence for at least 2 years.

This 2-year period starts from the date of the decision to grant the aid.

If you are prevented from living in the property during the adaptation work, the period does not start to run until the day on which you begin to occupy the property after the work has been completed.

You have a maximum of 3 years after the subsidy is granted to move into the property. If you fail to do so, you must reimburse the aid in full.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Single point of contact for housing assistance

  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning Single point of contact for housing assistance

    11, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 8002 10 10
    Telephone: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
    Email address:
    Open Closes at 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    Thursdays by appointment only

Single point of contact for housing assistance

  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning Single point of contact for housing assistance

    11, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 8002 10 10
    Telephone: Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
    Email address:
    Open Closes at 12.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00, 13.30 to 16.00
    Thursdays by appointment only

Related procedures and links



Legal references

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