Prepare for your retirement as early as possible

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Request a pension estimate

The National Pension Insurance Fund (Caisse nationale d’assurance pension - CNAP) can estimate the amount of your old-age or early retirement pension at your request. This service includes:

  • a reconstitution of the insurance periods;
  • identification of the earliest date on which your old-age pension or early retirement pension will start;
  • an estimate of the amount of your pension at 2 future dates:
    • at the start date as identified; and/or
    • a later date of your choice.

To obtain a pension estimate, you must submit a request to the CNAP using the appropriate form. Make sure you include all the required supporting documents. The response time depends on the complexity of your case.

The CNAP does not provide estimates for survivors' pensions.

Requesting an estimate for an old-age pension / early old-age pension

Claiming an old-age pension

Depending on your insurance career and your age, you may be able to claim an old-age pension from the age of 65.

The amount of your old-age pension is determined by the number of years you have been insured and the contributions you have paid into the pension insurance scheme.

Applying for an old-age pension as of 65 years of age

Requesting early retirement pension

Depending on your insurance career, the duration of your contribution payments and your age, you can also apply for early retirement from the age of 57 provided you meet the required conditions.

If you are a non-resident employee who has contributed to the pension system in Luxembourg, you enjoy the same rights as a resident worker.

The calculation of the early retirement pension takes into account the years recognised during your insurance career and the contributions paid to the pension insurance scheme.

Applying for an early old-age pension from the age of 57 or 60

Receiving an old-age pension as a non-resident

If you are a non-resident worker, i.e. you work in Luxembourg but live in another country, you are entitled, under certain conditions, to the same social security benefits as a person residing in Luxembourg.

To claim your pension, you should, in principle, contact the relevant body in your country of residence.

This body will coordinate with the other countries concerned (if you have worked and contributed in several European countries) to calculate your pension. If the necessary conditions are met, you may be entitled to several partial pensions, one from each country where you have paid contributions.

Applying for an old-age pension as a non-resident (including cross-border workers)

Requesting the retroactive purchase of insurance periods

The retroactive purchase of insurance periods allows you, under certain conditions, to complete your contribution history, either to cover interruptions or reductions in activity due to family responsibilities, or for periods when you were affiliated to foreign or international pension schemes.

In order for your request for retroactive purchase of insurance periods to be accepted, you must:

  • have accumulated at least 12 months of compulsory insurance;
  • not have a personal pension;
  • not be older than 65 at the time of the application;
  • be resident in a country of the EU or the European Economic Area at the time of application.

Periods during which you were studying are not eligible for retroactive purchase.

Requesting the retroactive purchase of insurance periods

Working as a pensioner

Luxembourg law allows you to combine your retirement pension with professional income, whether you work part-time or full-time.

It is essential to understand these rules in order to avoid unexpected reductions or suspensions of your pension.

Working as a recipient of an old-age pension

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