Being employed or self-employed as a third-country national family member of a third-country national

Last update

Third-country nationals who have a 'family member' residence permit are authorised to work in Luxembourg. They therefore do not need to apply for a work permit in advance if they wish to work in an employed or self-employed capacity.

Who is concerned

Third-country nationals who have a 'family member' residence permit are authorised to work in Luxembourg.

It should be noted that third-country nationals have free access to the Luxembourg labour market as soon as they receive their residence permit, which they must immediately apply for upon their arrival in Luxembourg.


Please consult our Work section for information from the Ministry of Labour on the legal requirements for employment and work in Luxembourg.

How to proceed

Good to know

Please note: third-country nationals holding a 'family member' residence permit issued before 1 September 2023 were only authorised to work in Luxembourg if this was explicitly stated on their residence permit and under the conditions set out therein. From 1 September 2023, they will have free access to the labour market and will therefore be authorised to work in Luxembourg, regardless of any observations stated to this effect on their residence permit. There are no plans to replace these residence permits which will only cease to be valid on their expiry date. It is only the note or observation on the back of the permit that ceases to be valid from 1 September 2023.

The document entitled 'Liste des observations sur les titres de séjour pour ressortissants de pays tiers', which can be downloaded below (see 'Online services and forms'), lists the notes that may have been indicated on the 'family member' residence permit until 1 September 2023 and that cease to be valid from that date, as well as the notes that may be stated on it from 1 September 2023.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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