Staying and working in Luxembourg for less than 90 days as a holder of the EU Blue Card issued by another Member State

Last update

Who is concerned

Third-country nationals who:

  • have:
    • an EU Blue Card issued by another Member State; or
    • a long-term EU residence permit with the remark 'former holder of an EU Blue Card', issued by another Member State;
  • wish to come to Luxembourg to carry out a professional activity for a period of up to 3 months (a maximum duration of 90 days over any 180-day period).

How to proceed

Step 1: entering the country

Upon arrival in Luxembourg, you must:

  • make a declaration of arrival in your commune of residence in Luxembourg;
  • hold a valid passport;
  • be the holder of:
    • a valid EU Blue Card issued by another Member State; or
    • a long-term EU residence permit with the remark 'former holder of an EU Blue Card', issued by another Member State;

Step 2: staying in the country

You may:

  • stay in the country for a maximum duration of 90 days over any 180-day period;
  • carry out a professional activity for the maximum authorised period of 3 months from the date of entry into the country, without requiring a work permit from the Luxembourg authorities.

Step 3: leaving the country

You must file a declaration of departure on the day before you leave the country to the communal administration of your place of residence in Luxembourg.

Please note: you must meet the conditions of legal stay. The maximum duration of legal stay is 90 days over any 180-day period.

Related procedures and links


Declaring a move to a new commune of residence


Legal references

Loi modifiée du 29 août 2008

portant sur la libre circulation des personnes et l'immigration

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