Enrolling at the University of Luxembourg

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The University of Luxembourg was founded to educate students and conduct research and development at the highest international levels. In concrete terms, this means that University of Luxembourg students can choose from 11 academic or professional Bachelor's degrees, 19 Academic or Professional Master's degrees and 6 special and/or continuing education courses of study.

Enrolment at the University of Luxembourg and the conditions for doing so depend on several criteria related to the student's personal situation.

Who is concerned

The following people may enrol at the University of Luxembourg, subject to certain conditions:

  • students who are Luxembourg nationals;
  • students who are nationals of a Member State of the European Union (EU) and hold a diploma obtained in an EU country.

The University of Luxembourg offers all enrolled students (with no maximum age limit) the option to purchase a travel pass for the sum of EUR 25 per semester.

The pass is valid, without limitation, for all means of public transport in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

How to proceed

Enrolling for a Bachelor's degree

  • Enrolment period for Bachelor's degree programmes: from the end of April to mid-September;
  • Enrolment procedure:
    • step 1: fill out the online application form on the University of Luxembourg website (depending on the degree programme chosen);
    • step 2: once you have checked the online application, note which documents are to be submitted for the application file;
    • step 3: send the completed file to the Students' Department (Service des Etudes et de la Vie Etudiante - SEVE) along with the required documents;
  • Place of residence: to reside in Luxembourg, students who are citizens of an EU Member State must register with their commune of residence in Luxembourg.

Enrolment periods for some Bachelor's programmes are subject to change. For further information, refer to the University of Luxembourg website and/or contact the SEVE.

Enrolling for a Master's degree

  • Enrolment periods for Master's degree programmes: depend on the chosen course of study;
  • Condition: must hold a first-level university degree;
  • Enrolment procedure:
    • step 1: fill out the online application form on the University of Luxembourg website (depending on the degree programme chosen);
    • step 2: once you have checked the online application, note which documents are to be submitted for the application file;
    • step 3: send the completed file to the Students' Department (SEVE) along with the required documents;
  • Place of residence: to reside in Luxembourg, students who are citizens of an EU Member State must register with their commune of residence in Luxembourg.

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must send a letter together with their enrolment certificates and student card to the SEVE. The SEVE will issue a disenrolment certificate. Enrolment fees will not be refunded.

Enrolment in a special or continuing education programme

  • Registration periods for special or continuing education programmes: between April and August;
  • Enrolment procedure:
    • step 1: fill out the online application form on the University of Luxembourg website (depending on the degree programme chosen);
    • step 2: once you have checked the online application, note which documents are to be submitted for the application file;
    • step 3: send the completed file to the Students' Department (SEVE) along with the required documents;
  • Place of residence: to reside in Luxembourg, students who are citizens of an EU Member State must register with their commune of residence in Luxembourg.

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must send a letter together with their enrolment certificates and student card to the SEVE. The SEVE will issue a disenrolment certificate. Enrolment fees will not be refunded.

Enrolling for a Doctorate (PhD)

Enrolment prerequisites

To enrol for a doctorate (PhD), students must fulfil certain prerequisites:

  • they must hold a postgraduate diploma (Master's or equivalent) obtained in Luxembourg and/or a foreign qualification. Upon arrival in Luxembourg, students with foreign qualifications must have them registered on the register of certificates at the Ministry of the Higher Education and Research;
  • have been accepted by a PhD supervisor. To that end, students must e-mail a professor with experience in the envisaged field of study, stating the subject of the thesis and a description of the research project; or
  • have been recruited following the publication of a job offer.

Funding for PhD students

Candidates may enrol for a doctorate (PhD) at any time throughout the year. The enrolment procedure depends on the type of funding selected. The different types of funding for PhD students/researchers enrolled in PhD programmes are:

  • University of Luxembourg funding: the PhD student signs a fixed-term employment contract for 40 hours a week for a period of 3 years with the University of Luxembourg. This can be renewed for an additional 1-year period;
  • Industrial Fellowships: PhD students submit an application for the Industrial Fellowships programme to the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR). Once funding has been approved, the PhD student receives a grant from the FNR;
  • third-party funding: PhD students are 'sponsored' by a third-party organisation which funds their research under an agreement with the University of Luxembourg;
  • Self-financing: PhD students have no contractual ties with the University of Luxembourg; they fund themselves independently.

Enrolment procedure depending on the type of funding envisaged

  • PhD students funded by the University of Luxembourg and PhD students funded by a third-party organisation must:
    • step 1: have responded to an advertisement for a doctoral research post;
    • step 2: have had their application accepted;
    • step 3: fill in the online application and send their documents to the Doctoral Studies Office (Bureau des Etudes Doctorales);
    • step 4: the thesis supervisor sends an Application for acceptance of a researcher to a doctoral programme (Demande d'acceptation d'un chercheur en formation doctorale - DACFD) to the Doctoral Studies Office;
    • step 5: receive the Chancellor's approval from the enrolment;
    • step 6: sign their employment contract with the University's Human Resources department;
    • step 7: finalise their enrolment by paying the enrolment fees (EUR 200 per semester).
  • PhD students in the Industrail Fellowships programme funded by the Luxembourg National Research Fund must:
    • step 1: have responded to an advertisement for a doctoral research post funded by the Industrial Fellowships;
    • step 2: have had their application accepted;
    • step 3: submit the Industrial Fellowships application online on the website of the Luxembourg National Research Fund;
    • step 4: once funding confirmation has been received, fill in the online application and send their documents to the Doctoral Studies Office;
    • step 5: the thesis supervisor sends an Application for acceptance of a researcher to a doctoral programme (Demande d'acceptation d'un chercheur en formation doctorale - DACFD) to the Doctoral Studies Office;
    • step 6: receive the Chancellor's approval from the enrolment;
    • step 7: sign their employment contract, where appropriate, with the University's Human Resources department;
    • step 8: finalise their enrolment by paying the enrolment fees (EUR 200 per semester).
  • PhD students with no financial ties to the University must:
    • step 1: fill in the online application and send their documents to the Doctoral Studies Office;
    • step 2: the thesis supervisor sends an Application for acceptance of a researcher to a doctoral programme (Demande d'acceptation d'un chercheur en formation doctorale - DACFD) to the Doctoral Studies Office;
    • step 3: receive the Chancellor's approval from the enrolment;
    • step 4: receive a residence permit from the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade;
    • step 5: finalise their enrolment by paying the enrolment fees (EUR 200 per semester).

Place of residence

To reside in Luxembourg, students who are citizens of an EU Member State must register with their commune of residence in Luxembourg.

Joint thesis supervision is possible with the various types of funding. In this case, applicants must enrol without necessarily knowing the partner university. Visit the University of Luxembourg website for more information.

Cancelling enrolment

Students wishing to cancel their enrolment must send a letter together with their enrolment certificates and student card to the SEVE. Upon request, the SEVE will issue a disenrolment certificate.

Enrolment fees will not be refunded.

Who to contact

2 of 5 bodies shown

  • Ministry of Education, Children and Youth Department for the recognition of diplomas

    29, rue Aldringen L-1118 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    L-2926 Luxembourg
    Closed ⋅ Opens at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.00 to 17.00
    Mon.-Fri. from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.00 to 17.00

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