Enrolling as a student for an advanced technician's certificate (BTS)

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The advanced technician's certificate (brevet de technicien supérieur - BTS) is awarded following a higher education short cycle study programme, focusing on the acquisition of professional and technological skills. To enrol in a BTS programme, you must hold a Luxembourg secondary school leaving diploma or equivalent.

The advanced technician's certificate (BTS) is a higher education short cycle study programme, typically lasting 2 years after the baccalaureate (120-135 ECTS, depending on the programme).

The short cycle corresponds to level 5 of the Luxembourg qualifications framework (level 5 CLQ/EQF).

BTS programmes:

  • are offered by Luxembourg secondary schools; and 
  • also include internships; and
  • are organised into semester-long modules that correspond to a certain number of ECTS credits

The BTS diploma is awarded to students who have obtained all the ECTS credits required for the programme and who have fulfilled all the course requirements.

The aim of the BTS is to provide candidates with a professionally oriented higher education in their speciality. The main objective is to prepare students enter the world of work: training is primarily focused on the acquisition of professional and technological skills.

You can consult the full list of BTS courses on this web page.

For those who wish to continue their studies, elements of the BTS programme may be validated in the context of a bachelor's degree programme in the same or a similar field. Decisions regarding the validation of prior learning achievements solely rest with the institution offering the bachelor programme in question.

Who is concerned

The BTS programmes are aimed at students who have:

  • a Luxembourg secondary school leaving diploma; or
  • a foreign qualification recognised as equivalent by the Minister responsible for education.


The general requirement for access to BTS programmes is a Luxembourg secondary school leaving diploma or a foreign qualification recognised as equivalent by the Minister responsible for education.

Admission to certain programmes may be subject to specific course requirements (portfolio, cover letter, test, interview, etc.).

Please note that the number of places for these courses is generally limited.

Admission requirements, deadlines and registration procedures vary according to the programme and can be verified with the secondary schools organising the programme.


The exact deadlines and procedures for registration and submitting applications vary from one BTS programme to another. Please contact the school in question for further information.

How to proceed

Enrolment procedures

You can register for an advanced technician's certificate (BTS) programme via MyGuichet.lu. You can apply with or without authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID).

After examination of your application and, if applicable, after completing an admission test or interview, you will be:

  • admitted; or
  • rejected; or
  • placed on a waiting list.

You will be informed of the decision and the procedure for finalising your application on a date coomunicated by the school.

Accreditation of prior and experiential learning

In the higher education sector, the accreditation of prior and experiential learning (Validation des acquis de l’expérience - VAE) is a decentralised procedure. Each institution defines its own administrative procedures for VAE applicants, in accordance with the legal provisions in force.

Candidates for VAE should therefore reach out to the institution offering the diploma in question, which in this case is the school offering the BTS programme.

For accreditation of prior experiential learning for a BTS, consideration is given to the knowledge and experience derived from a professional activity (whether in an employed capacity or not) or volunteer work related to the specific BTS and carried out for a period depending on the BTS concerned.

Good to know

The MESR Higher Education Information Service ('Info études') can be contacted:

  • by phone at (+352) 247 88650, from Monday to Friday between 8.00 and 12.00, and from 13.00 to 16.30;
  • by email at etudes@mesr.etat.lu.

From Monday to Friday between 13.00 and 17.00, specialists from the Ministry for Research and Higher Education answer your questions at the Maison de l'orientation, without appointment.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Ministry for Research and Higher Education

    18-20, montée de la Pétrusse L-2327 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    B.P. L-2915
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 7.45
    7.45 to 16.30
    7.45 to 16.30
    7.45 to 16.30
    7.45 to 16.30
    7.45 to 16.30
    Reception: Monday to Friday from 7.45 to 16.30

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Related procedures and links

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