Application for financial aid for accessibility work or reasonable accommodation

Last update

A financial aid package, paid in the form of a cash subsidy, is awarded, within the limits of budget appropriations, by the Minister responsible for disability policy, in support of work:

  • to improve accessibility to public spaces, where such work involves:
    • existing public spaces, or premises within an existing built-up area; or
    • the creation of a public space, or a collective residential building by changing its assigned use;
  • for the purpose of rational development.

Such aid may also be granted for studies, consultancy services and expert assessments in connection with these types of work.

Who is concerned?

The persons responsible for the accessibility improvement or reasonable accommodation works may apply for financial aid. These persons may be:

  • natural persons; or
  • legal persons established under private law; or
  • public legal persons other than the State.


In order to be eligible for this financial aid, applicants must:


The application for financial aid must be filed within 5 years of 1 July 2023.

The work, studies, consultancy services and expert assessments must be completed within 8 years of 1 July 2023.

These deadlines do not apply to an application for financial aid for reasonable accommodation.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

The application for financial aid must be submitted by the person responsible for the accessibility improvement work through or the mobile app to the minister responsible for disability policy (see under 'Online services and forms' below).

This is a procedure with authentication that requires:

  • a LuxTrust product (Token, Smartcard or Signing Stick); or
  • an electronic identity card (eID).

Supporting documents

Applications must be accompanied by an itemised quotation for the works, studies, consultancy services and expert assessments in question.

Depending on the project in question, the applicant must also attach a building permit, or a certificate attesting that the building plans are compliant, together with a detailed description of the planned accessibility improvement work.

Processing the application

The financial aid will be granted:

  • once for each:
    • existing public space, or premises within an existing built-up area;
    • project to create a public space or a collective residential building by changing its assigned use;
    • reasonable accommodation;
  • only for:
    • projects carried out in Luxembourg;
    • studies, consultancy services and expert assessments carried out in Luxembourg or in a European Union (EU) Member State, a European Economic Area state, or the Swiss Confederation.

Before the financial aid can be paid, an itemised invoice for the accessibility improvement works must be submitted to the Ministry of Family Affairs, Solidarity, Living Together and Reception of Refugees, who will check that it matches the quotation received previously.

The minister reserves the right to adjust the amount of the financial aid or refuse payment if:

  • the invoice amount differs significantly from the quoted amount; or
  • no invoice has been submitted, or any other required document is missing.

Amount of aid

The financial aid amounts to 50 % of the ex. VAT costs of the work, studies, consultancy services and expert assessments in question. However, under no circumstances will it exceed EUR 24,000 per site or per accommodation project.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links



Legal references

  • Loi du 7 janvier 2022

    portant sur l’accessibilité à tous les lieux ouverts au public, des voies publiques et des bâtiments d’habitation collectifs

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 8 février 2023

    relatif à l’accessibilité à tous des lieux ouverts au public et des voies publiques portant application des articles 2, 3 et 5 de la loi du 7 janvier 2022 portant sur l’accessibilité à tous des lieux ouverts au public, des voies publiques et des bâtiments d’habitation collectifs

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 8 février 2023

    relatif à l’accessibilité à tous des bâtiments d’habitation collectifs portant exécution de l’article 4 de la loi du 7 janvier 2022 portant sur l’accessibilité à tous des lieux ouverts au public, des voies publiques et des bâtiments d’habitation collectifs

  • Règlement grand-ducal du 8 février 2023

    relatif à l’organisation et au fonctionnement du Conseil consultatif de l’accessibilité portant exécution de l’article 11 de la loi du 7 janvier 2022 portant sur l’accessibilité à tous des lieux ouverts au public, des voies publiques et des bâtiments d’habitation collectifs

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