Subsidies for the organisation of a major sporting event

Last update


In order to contribute to the promotion of Luxembourg, you can receive a subsidy for the organisation of a major sporting event.

Subsidies for the organisation of a major sporting event are aimed at:

  • encouraging the organisation of events in Luxembourg;
  • contributing to the promotion and visibility of Luxembourg abroad;
  • increasing local economic benefits.

They are granted by the Ministry of the Economy

Who is concerned

Non-profit associations (federations and sports clubs).


Type and size of the event

In order to benefit from financial aid, the event must fulfil all the following conditions:

  • it must be a sporting event;
  • a minimum of 300 overnight stays must be booked with Luxembourgish accommodation providers for the participants (spectators are excluded), i.e.: sports delegations, organisers, press, etc.

Place and accommodation

The event must take place in Luxembourg.

Participants from abroad must be accommodated in Luxembourg.

Only overnight stays in Luxembourg are taken into account for the calculation of financial aid.

Public image

Events whose content or theme is likely to have a negative impact on Luxembourg's image are ineligible.


Each application for financial aid in support of a major sporting event must be submitted at the latest 6 weeks prior to the event.

How to proceed

Filing an application

You must submit your duly completed application for a subsidy for the organisation of a major sporting event to the Ministry of the Economy:

Ministère de l’Économie
Direction générale du tourisme
L-2937 Luxembourg

Supporting documents

You must also enclose with your application:

  • a presentation of the project indicating:
    • the event organiser;
    • the event profile: the concept, target audience, objectives, provisional programme, speakers, number of participants;
    • descriptions and estimates of:
      • the economic benefits for the destination;
      • the event’s impact on the sector concerned; know-how, networking, etc.;
      • media coverage and/or impact on the image of Luxembourg;
  • the project's financing plan, i.e.:
    • a detailed provisional budget setting out income and expenses;
    • planned and/or granted co-financing measures.

Applications can only be approved within the limits of the budget.


If the application is approved, you must submit the following 3 months after the event at the latest:

  • the statement of account form;
  • an activity report;
  • a financial report;
  • a statement of registered overnight stays in the context of the event, certified and signed by the organiser.

The final amount of financial aid is calculated and paid depending on the documents provided.

Amount of aid

Flat-rate aid

Flat-rate aid per overnight stay in a commercial accommodation establishment in Luxembourg will be granted to events in accordance with the summary table below:

The amount of aid is limited to EUR 25,000.

Maximum amount of aid

Summary table
Number of overnight stays Amounts
From 300 overnight stays onwards EUR 15 / overnight stay
Between 400 and 499 overnight stays EUR 20 / overnight stay
500 overnight stays and more EUR 25 / overnight stay, capped at EUR 25,000 total

Online services and forms

Who to contact

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