Subsidy for the organisation of a professional event
Last update
In order to contribute to the promotion of Luxembourg as a destination for professional events, you can receive a subsidy in the context of the organisation of a professional event (congress, conference, etc.).
Subsidies for the organisation of a professional event are intended to encourage the organisation of congresses, conferences or similar events (seminars, symposiums, etc.). in order to:
- contribute to the promotion of Luxembourg as a prime destination for professional events;
- increase local economic benefits.
They are granted by the Ministry of the Economy
Who is concerned
Eligible businesses
The subsidies are intended for:
- non-profit associations;
- public establishments;
- international organisations or institutions.
Eligible events
The following events are eligible:
- congresses;
- conferences;
- symposia; or
- or any other similar event in a business context.
Event size
In order to benefit from financial aid, the events have to fulfil all the following conditions:
- there must be at least 75 participants;
- there must be at least 75 overnight stays booked in the host hotels.
Place and accommodation
The event must take place in Luxembourg.
Participants from abroad must be accommodated in Luxembourg.
Only overnight stays in Luxembourg are taken into account for the calculation of financial aid.
Public image
Events whose content or theme is likely to have a negative impact on Luxembourg's image are ineligible.
All subsidy applications for the organisation of a professional event must be submitted at least 6 weeks before the event.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You must send a duly completed subsidy application for the organisation of a professional event to the Ministry of the Economy:
- by email to:; or
- by post to the following address:
Ministère de l’Économie
Direction générale du tourisme
L-2937 Luxembourg
Supporting documents
You must also enclose with your application:
- a presentation of the project indicating:
- the organiser of the event;
- the event profile: concept, target audience, objectives, provisional programme, speakers, number of participants;
- descriptions and estimates:
- economic benefits for the destination;
- the event’s impact on the sector concerned; know-how, networking, etc.;
- media coverage and/or impact on the image of Luxembourg;
- the project's financing plan, i.e.:
- a detailed provisional budget setting out income and expenses;
- any planned and/or granted co-financing measures.
Applications can only be approved within the limits of the budget.
If the application is approved, you must submit the following 3 months after the event at the latest:
- the statement of account form;
- an activity report;
- a financial report;
- a statement of registered overnight stays in the context of the event, certified and signed by the organiser.
- paid invoices relating to the tourism framework programme;
- if applicable, proof of having obtained the 'Green Business Events' logo.
The final amount of financial aid is calculated and paid depending on the documents submitted.
Amount of aid
Flat-rate aid per overnight stay for paid commercial accommodation in Luxembourg
A flat-rate subsidy of EUR 25 per night booked in commercial accommodation in Luxembourg is granted.
The amount of aid is limited to EUR 25,000.
Additional aid beyond 1,500 overnight stays
Professional events involving more than 1,500 overnight stays in commercial accommodation in Luxembourg are eligible for an additional lump sum payment of EUR 10,000.
The total amount of aid is limited to EUR 35,000.
Aid through tourism framework programmes
Within the framework of tourism programmes, the following costs will be reimbursed up to a limit of 50%:
- costs for hiring certified tour guides;
- transport expenses (e.g. bus hire).
The reimbursement of the costs is capped at EUR 2,500. This amount:
- is included in the flat-rate aid ceiling; and
- is therefore not added to the maximum amount of EUR 25,000 of this flat-rate aid.
'Green Business Events' booster
In order to encourage the organisation of environmentally responsible events, the Ministry of the Economy has set up the 'Green Business Events' initiative in collaboration with the 'Oekozenter Pafendall' non-profit association.
A 'booster' of EUR 1,500 is awarded to event organisers who obtain the 'Green Business Events' logo.
Maximum amount of aid
Aid type | Amounts |
Flat-rate aid per registered overnight stay for paid commercial accommodation in Luxembourg | EUR 25 / overnight stay |
Aid through tourism framework programmes | 50 % of true expenses for tour guides and transportation (maximum EUR 2,500) |
Total aid capped at: | EUR 25,000 |
Additional aid beyond 1,500 overnight stays | EUR 10,000 |
Aid capped at: | EUR 35,000 |
'Green Business Events' booster | EUR 1,500 |
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate for Tourism - Subsidies
- Address:
19-21, boulevard Royal
B.P. 86 - L-2937 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 84756
- Email address:
- Website: