Financial aid to install a rainwater catchment system

Last update

Installing equipment to collect rainwater is intended to contribute to the sustainable management of water resources by promoting the use of rainwater for domestic purposes other than human consumption or bathing, in particular to supply water for flushing toilets, cleaning, washing, and watering plants.

Individuals may receive financial aid from the state to install equipment for the collection of rainwater in a dwelling or a housing complex.

This aid is limited to 25 % of the investment cost for installing the rainwater catchment system and may not exceed a maximum of EUR 1,000.

Who is concerned

The following categories of individuals may receive this financial aid:

  • property developers;
  • home owners, whether the home is occupied by the owner or not;
  • tenants in a dwelling unit or a housing complex.

The dwelling must be intended for habitation.


To be entitled to this aid, the rainwater catchment system must satisfy several conditions:

  • the roof connected to the catchment system must have a minimum surface area of 40 m2;
  • the water collector must have a filter;
  • the storage tank must be watertight and have a minimum capacity of 3,000 litres per dwelling. In the case of a housing complex, the minimum capacity of the storage tank is calculated as follows: C = (S/40) x 3,000. "S" is the net surface area of the roof(s) connected and expressed in square meter (S≥40);
  • a booster pump must be installed as part of the system;
  • the installation must include a system for regulating and automatically monitoring the level in the storage tank, in the fall-back system, and in the pump;
  • a fall-back system using potable water in dry periods must be provided for;
  • a brightly coloured panel bearing the words, 'House equipped with a rainwater catchment and distribution system' must be placed less than 30 cm from the potable water supply counter;
  • a distribution network:
    • installed in such a way as to be physically separated from the potable water circuit;
    • which provides water for flushing at least one toilet per dwelling;
    • using pipes in different materials or colours from those used in the potable water system;
    • bearing the words 'rainwater' or 'non-potable water' or any similar wording in indelible marking;
    • whose taps for accessing the rainwater, if freely accessible, must have immovable or lockable handles;
    • designed so as to enable the subsequent installation of a water metre.

The wording placed on the distribution network and on the panel indicating the presence of a rainwater catchment system may be in French or German.

How to proceed

Applicants for the financial aid must first have their system approved by the relevant department of the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts. To prove the compliance of the rainwater catchment system installed at the applicant's dwelling or dwellings, the applicant must complete an approval form and send it to the address below:

Chambre des métiers
Service de contrôle et de réception du bâtiment
B.P. 1604
L-1016 Luxembourg

If the installation does not satisfy all the necessary conditions, it will be approved only after it is brought into compliance.

The costs of obtaining approval are borne by the applicant.

In order to obtain financial aid for rainwater catchment systems, applicants must then complete an aid application form and return it to the Water Management Authority (Administration de la gestion de l’eau). Several supporting documents must be sent with the form:

  • the original of the receipted invoice or proof of payment for the installation;
  • the approval agreement specifying that the installation is in compliance.

Applicants who are tenants must specify the name of the owner of the dwelling or dwellings when applying for the aid.

Applications for financial aid for rainwater catchment systems must be submitted before 1 March of the year following that in which the system was installed and within 3 months of the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts' approval.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

2 of 6 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Applying for a building permit for the construction, transformation or demolition of a building


Legal references

Règlement grand-ducal du 14 mai 2003

concernant l'allocation d'une aide budgétaire aux particuliers pour la mise en place d'une installation de collecte des eaux de pluie

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