Trans-European energy infrastructure projects

Last update

The European energy policy sets the fundamental objectives of the European Union in terms of competitiveness, viability and security of supply.

In this context, projects of common interest are essential infrastructure projects which concern at least 2 EU Member States and which can contribute to:

  • enhance market integration;
  • increase competition;
  • enhance security of supply;
  • or reduce CO2 emissions.

These projects mainly concern electricity or gas transport infrastructures and benefit from a number of advantages, such as:

  • faster planification procedures and the granting of authorisations;
  • lower administrative costs for promoters by means of faster and more efficient environmental assessment procedures.

The Facilitation unit for urban planning and environment (Cellule de facilitation Urbanisme et Environnement) of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning and Spatial Planning assists businesses in their administrative procedures to carry out such projects.

Who is concerned?

Businesses participating in electricity or gas transport infrastructure projects in collaboration with other businesses established in one of more other EU Member States, may benefit from the help of the Facilitation unit for urban planning and environment with regard to the administrative procedures relating to their project.

How to proceed

Gas transport infrastructures

Gas transport infrastructure projects are subject to the following authorisations:

Promoters must also prepare environmental impact assessments of the project concerned.

Moreover, projects must conform to the general development plan (PAG) and to the special development plans (PAP) in the communes concerned. If that is not the case, promoters must request the modification of the general development plan and/or submit a project for a special development plan to the commune concerned.

Electricity transport infrastructures

Electricity transport infrastructure projects are subject to the following authorisations:

Promoters must also prepare environmental impact assessments of the project concerned.

Moreover, projects must conform to the general development plan (PAG) and to the special development plans (PAP) in the communes concerned. If that is not the case, promoters must request the modification of the general development plan and/or submit a project for a special development plan to the commune concerned.

Where applicable, promoters must also request an authorisation from the Minister in charge of Energy matters in order to:

  • build a new power line through a private property (in absence of easement);
  • extend the power line to an industrial site outside of the network;
  • set up cross-border interconnections.

Assistance from the Facilitation unit for urban planning and environment

The Facilitation unit for urban planning and environment assists businesses throughout the administrative procedures required for the accomplishment of their trans-European infrastructure project.

For more information, in particular on the deadlines for the processing of applications, see the Manual of procedures concerning authorisations required for projects of common interest (French, Pdf, 1.89 Mb) (Manuel des procédures pour l'octroi des autorisations applicables aux projets d'intérêt commun).

Who to contact

Facilitation Unit for Urban Planning and Environment

Related procedures and links


Further information

Book an appointment with the CFUE for assistance in urban planning and environmental matters

on the website of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning

Legal references

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