Judicial expert

Dernière modification le

The Minister of Justice can appoint sworn experts, translators and interpreters in law enforcement and administrative matters to carry out tasks assigned to them by the judicial and administrative authorities.

The experts, translators and interpreters who have been appointed in this way and subsequently sworn in before a chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice are included on a list available on the website of the Ministry of Justice.

This list includes the contact details (telephone, e-mail, address) of those registered.

In criminal justice and administrative matters, experts, translators and interpreters are preferentially chosen by the judicial and administrative authorities from among the sworn experts, translators and interpreters included on this list.

Personnes concernées

Any natural person with the required qualifications and experience can apply to be registered on this list.

Modalités pratiques

Filing an application

The application must be submitted to the Minister of Justice using an online assistant available on MyGuichet.lu (see 'Online services and forms') or the MyGuichet.lu mobile application.

This is a procedure requiring authentication using:

  • a LuxTrust product (e.g. Token, Smartcard or Signing Stick); or
  • an electronic identity card (eID).

How to create a business eSpace on MyGuichet.lu

There are 2 possible scenarios:

  1. You are a new user of MyGuichet.lu. You must:
    • first register on MyGuichet.lu; and
    • then create a business eSpace.
  2. You already have a private eSpace on MyGuichet.lu. You can directly create a business eSpace without having to register again.

Further information as well as tutorials in relation with the business eSpace are available in our dedicated help page.

The application specifies:

  • for experts:
    • the branch(es) concerned;
    • possibly, the speciality(ies);
  • for translators and interpreters:
    • the language pair(s) applied for (i.e. which source language(s) are translated into which administrative language(s) of Luxembourg).

Applications that do not cover any of the 3 administrative languages (French, German and Luxembourgish) cannot be taken into consideration.

Supporting documents

Experts and/or translators and interpreters must attach to their application:

  • a detailed curriculum vitae;
  • a copy of the applicant's criminal record from their country of residence.
  • copies of the diplomas;
  • a copy of the ministerial order of registration in the higher education section of the register of certificates, and/or, where applicable, an authorisation to practice if they are self-employed;
  • if the applicant works in a regulated profession, a licence to practise;
  • certificates from third parties (e.g. an employer) attesting that the information on the CV corresponds to the professional experience actually acquired in the relevant branches/specialities or, in the case of translation/interpreting, for the relevant languages;
  • any other information deemed necessary.

Decision of the Minister

The minister verifies that:

  • the diplomas correspond to the targeted activity;
  • sufficient experience can be demonstrated.

If the application is successful, the applicant is entered on the list kept at the Ministry of Justice by a ministerial order issued several times a year.

The applicant is also invited to take an oath before a Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice.

As of that moment, the expert will be answerable to the State Public Prosecutor.


The Minister of Justice may dismiss experts, translators and interpreters in case of:

  • breach of duty or professional ethics;
  • other serious motives.

Services en ligne et formulaires

Organismes de contact

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Informations complémentaires

Références légales

Loi modifiée du 7 juillet 1971

portant, en matière répressive et administrative, institution d'experts, de traducteurs et d'interprètes assermentés et complétant les dispositions légales relatives à l'assermentation des experts, traducteurs et interprètes

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