Food safety - a global overview
Last update
Food legislation aims to achieve a high level of protection of the health and life of humans.
These principles are applied to each stage of production, transformation and distribution of foodstuffs, including food intended to feed food-producing animals.
Food safety includes several aspects such as hygiene of foodstuffs, labelling, packaging and product traceability.
In Luxembourg, the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (Administration luxembourgeoise vétérinaire et alimentaire - ALVA) is responsible for the implementation of food safety arrangements.
Who is concerned
All businesses and establishments involved in the production, transformation and/or distribution of food products, including food intended to feed food-producing animals, have obligations in relation with food regulation.
Examples: grocery shops, restaurants, crèches, businesses in the packaging sector or active in the export or import of foodstuffs, supermarkets, wholesalers, distributors, etc.
How to proceed
Compulsory registration
Any business or establishment in the food sector in Luxembourg must be known to the competent authorities.
All business operators in the food sector must register each establishment under their responsibility which is involved in the production, transformation and/or distribution of food products with the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration.
Withdrawal procedure and notification to the competent authority
A food business operator who has reason to believe that one of the food products he has imported, transformed, produced or distributed does not meet the requirements in terms of safety of foodstuffs must:
- immediately launch the procedure for withdrawal from the market of the food product concerned, if it is no longer under their direct control; and
- inform the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA).
If the product is likely to have reached the consumer, the operator must:
- inform consumers, stating the reasons for the withdrawal;
- recall the products already delivered to the consumer if the other measures are insufficient to maintain a high level of consumer health protection.
The aim of labelling is to inform consumers and ensure loyal practices in the food sector. It is the first means of communication between the producer and seller of foodstuffs on the one hand, and the buyer and consumer on the other hand.
A guide to labelling in general is available on the Food Safety portal, and information sheets on the labelling of allergen ingredients are available on the website of the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts.
All businesses in the food sector must comply with a number of obligations relating to the hygiene of foodstuffs.
These obligations vary depending on the type and size of the production (e.g. appropriate fit out of the production facilities, establishing a system of auto-monitoring in accordance with the principles of the HACCP system, etc.).
Interested parties may order a guide on good hygiene practices at the Chamber of Skilled Trades and Crafts and/or sign up for training courses for professions in the food sector.
Food sector operators must implement a system for the traceability of their food products.
To this end, they can find an explanatory guide on the traceability of foodstuffs on the Food Safety website.
This guide applies to all steps of the production, transformation and distribution of products intended for human and animal consumption.
Who to contact
Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA)
- Address:
- 7, rue Thomas Edison L-1445 Strassen Luxembourg
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Denrées alimentaires
sur le site de la Sécurité alimentaire
Étiquetage des denrées alimentaires
sur le site de la Sécurité alimentaire
Traçabilité des aliments
sur le site de la Sécurité alimentaire
Hygiène, étiquetage et traçabilité
sur le site de la Chambre des métiers
Legal references
Règlement CE N° 178/2002 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 28 janvier 2002
établissant les principes généraux et les prescriptions générales de la législation alimentaire, instituant l'Autorité européenne de sécurité des aliments et fixant des procédures relatives à la sécurité des denrées alimentaires
Règlement CE N° 852/2004 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004
relatif à l'hygiène des denrées alimentaire
Règlement CE n° 853/2004 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004
fixant des règles spécifiques d’hygiène applicables aux denrées alimentaires d’origine animale
Règlement CE n° 882/2004 du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 29 avril 2004
relatif aux contrôles officiels effectués pour s'assurer de la conformité avec la législation sur les aliments pour animaux et les denrées alimentaires et avec les dispositions relatives à la santé animale et au bien-être des animaux