Applying to create, activate, change or convert a FLIK reference item

Last update

Agricultural and vineyard parcels (FLIK parcels) form the basis for the payment of subsidies based on parcel size. To ensure that the eligibility criteria are still being met at any given point in time, the FLIK parcel identification system is continuously updated.

As such, farmers and winegrowers who wish to apply for subsidies for their FLIK parcels may:

  • apply to create a new FLIK parcel (or apply for its activation) in the graphical reference parcel system;
  • declare a permanent change to a FLIK parcel (for example, further to the erection of a building on the parcel, brush-clearing work, subdivision of the parcel, etc.) that has a direct impact on the boundaries of an existing reference parcel;
  • apply to convert the type of an existing reference parcel (agricultural, vineyard or ineligible).

Details on applying to create, update or delete a landscape feature (ESP) or a forest edge (WR) can be found in the pages on this topic.

Applications can be filed:

  • through with authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic ID (eID) card; or
  • by post.

Applications to create, change or convert a reference parcel may only be filed as part of a declaration of agricultural land or a vineyard census.

Who is concerned

Any farmer or winegrower who cultivates agricultural or vineyard parcels, or who intends to cultivate new parcels in Luxembourg.


Applicants who:

  • file their application by post need not complete any preliminary procedures;
  • file their application through must first:
    • set up a business eSpace if they do not already have one; and
    • have their business eSpace certified by the Rural Economy Department (Service d’économie rurale - SER).

Setting up a business eSpace

To file an online application to create, activate, change or convert a FLIK reference parcel, the farmer or winegrower:

  • needs a LuxTrust product or an electronic ID (eID) card to log in to; and
  • must set up a business eSpace for their property holding on, if they do not already have one.

Certifying your business eSpace

To be able to access the application to create, activate, change or convert a FLIK reference parcel through, the business eSpace for the property holding must be certified by the Rural Economy Department (SER) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture.

The request for certification must be sent by email to the SER at

The farmer/winegrower will be sent 2 access codes by post: a holder access code and a representative access code. The holder access code must be saved in the business eSpace to be able to access the property holding's certified data.

The code can be saved by navigating to the 'My business data' tab in the 'Agriculture, Forestry & Viticulture' section.

If the business eSpace has already been certified for other procedures in connection with farming or winegrowing, the certification will also be valid for the application to create, activate, change or convert a FLIK reference parcel.

Once the code is saved in the business eSpace, it will remain valid for 6 years.

The representative access code may be given to the holder's representative so that they can also gain access to the certified business eSpace.


Applications must be forwarded to the 'Geographical Information System' department (Système d’information géographique - SIG) of the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (Administration des services techniques de l’agriculture - ASTA) before 15 October for a subsequent declaration of agricultural land/vineyard census.

Applications to activate FLIK parcels for which no declarations have been made for the past 3 years may be filed until the declaration deadline of the agricultural land/vineyard census.

How to proceed

Applications to create, activate, change or convert parcels may be filed online through

When filling in the application form, the applicant must specify:

  • the property holding (farm/vineyard) concerned, if they own several;
  • the type of applicant (owner or representative);
  • the contact details (email address and telephone number) of another contact person, should further details be required;
  • the type of application (creation, change or conversion).

To apply to activate a FLIK parcel that has not been declared for 3 years, the applicant must select "Creation" as the type of application. In the online wizard, there is no application type for activation.

Inputting reference parcels

After selecting the application type, a map will be displayed. This map is based on data from – the National Geoportal of Luxembourg – and uses the same terminology and the same colours.

The map is a geolocation tool that can be used to select and draw FLIK reference parcels online directly.

3 types of FLIK reference parcels are featured:

  • P = agricultural parcels;
  • V = vineyard parcels;
  • N = ineligible parcels.

Using this geolocation tool, the applicant must:

  • draw the boundaries of the new parcel, if they are applying to create or activate a parcel; or
  • select an existing parcel, then draw the new boundaries, if they are applying to change a parcel; or
  • select an existing parcel, if they are applying to convert a parcel (i.e., change the parcel type).

By default, the geolocation tool zooms in on the main address of the property holding. If the parcel in question is outside the area of the map that is displayed, the user can:

  • navigate around the map with their mouse; or
  • use the search field to look up the parcel (e.g., by entering the address, the parcel number, etc.).

After drawing or selecting a parcel, the applicant must then, for each application, enter:

  • the date on which the creation, change or conversion will take effect; and
  • a reason for the application, in the "Comments" field.

When applying to convert a parcel, the applicant must also select the parcel's new status (agricultural, vineyard or ineligible).

Once they have filled in all required information, the applicant must confirm their input.

Before submitting their applications, applicants should ensure that they have attached proof of their right to use the property (lease, proof of use, etc.) for each FLIK parcel.

To send the application to the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (ASTA), the applicant must click "Send".

Once the application has been submitted, an automatic acknowledgement of submission email will be sent to the email address recorded in the certified business eSpace.

Technical information about the tool

Several technical criteria must be satisfied before the geolocation tool can be used to apply to create, activate, change or convert a FLIK reference parcel through

  • The tool does not work with Internet Explorer 11. Another browser must be used to be able to apply online.
  • No more than 20 applications (to create, activate, change or convert a parcel) per farmer/winegrower and per online procedure may be filed at one time. If the applicant needs to file more than 20 applications for the same property holding, they will need to create a new procedure in
  • To be able to select or draw a parcel, the user must first select the right function by clicking on the corresponding button in the top right-hand corner of the map.
  • When applying to create, activate or change a parcel, the parcel must always be drawn in the shape of a polygon. The various segments of the polygon must not overlap.
  • When applying to change a parcel, the user must first select a parcel before they can draw a new one.
  • When applying to change a parcel, the parcel can be divided into no more than 5 sub-parcels.
  • The surface area of the parcel that is drawn is automatically calculated based on the size of the polygon. The parcel will be visited and measured to determine the actual surface area that will be recorded.

Supporting documents

Some form of proof of the right to use the parcel (lease, proof of use, etc.) must be attached to applications to create, activate or convert a parcel.

If the applicant owns the parcel, supporting documents are required.

The Administration's response

Once the application has been submitted through, the Administration of Technical Agricultural Services (ASTA) will contact the applicant – or the contact person specified in the online application – to process the application.

Applications to create, activate, change or convert a parcel can also be filed by post. In that case, the following supporting documents must be attached to each application:

  • an aerial photograph of the parcel, clearly showing all of the requested changes; and
  • unless the applicant owns the parcel, proof of the right to use the parcel (lease, proof of use, etc.).

The application forms can be downloaded from 'Online services and forms'.

Aerial photographs

Applicants can create aerial photographs of their FLIK agricultural parcels directly in the "Agriculture" map window on

A guide to looking up FLIK agricultural parcels on the geoportal is provided by ASTA.

Aerial photographs of FLIK vineyard parcels (V-FLIKs) can also be created in the 'General Public' map window.

It is no longer necessary to apply to the Rural Economy Department for additional aerial photographs.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links



Legal references

Règlement grand-ducal du 28 avril 2017

portant application, au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, des méthodes d’actualisation et de maintenance du système d’identification des parcelles agricoles basé sur des techniques informatisées d’un système d’information géographique.

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