Transfer of firearms out of Luxembourg

Last update


You will also need a transfer licence for the export of firearms and, where applicable, prior authorisation from the country of destination.

The permanent transfer of a firearm by a professional from Luxembourg to another member country of the European Union (EU), or the export of that firearm to a third country requires a licence for the transfer/export of firearms issued by the Arms and Security Service (Service Armes et Gardiennage) of the Ministry of Justice in Luxembourg.

The professional must also obtain a prior authorisation granted by the destination country.

The prior authorisation is always issued by the EU Member State of destination, whereas the transfer licence is always issued by the Member State of origin.

Who is concerned?

All professionals must apply for a transfer/export licence for:

  • the export of firearms from Luxembourg to a third country; or
  • the transfer of firearms from Luxembourg to other EU Member States.

The application is for civilian firearms and the corresponding ammunition. Civilian firearms are weapons that are not acquired or held by the armed forces, the police or the public services. They therefore differ from military weapons and ammunition.

This procedure also applies when the firearms are permanently transferred by an individual.

For authorised gunsmiths, the licence application is replaced by a simple transfer declaration for intra-EU movements.


Preliminary steps

No permanent transfer or export can be made without prior authorisation from the country of destination of the weapon.

In the case of a transfer to another EU Member State, this authorisation may take the form of the prior agreement for the transfer of firearms (see 'Online services and forms') to be requested from the competent authority of the Member State of destination.

In the case of an export to a third country, this prior agreement may take different forms depending on the issuing country.


The issuance of a transfer or permanent export licence of a firearm to a foreign country is subject to a fee of EUR 50 to be paid in advance.

The fees must be paid by bank transfer or direct deposit to the account BCEE LU36 0019 5955 4436 2000 of the Fines and Collection Office (Bureau des amendes et recouvrements) at the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority, with the indication of the precise wording as stated in the form, depending on the type of application.

How to proceed

Submitting the licence application

Once the prior authorisation has been obtained, the Luxembourg seller must submit an application for a transfer/export licence of a firearm abroad to the Arms and Security Service of the Ministry of Justice by email.

Supporting documents

The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • proof of bank payment of the fee (transfer/direct deposit);
  • for transfers to all other EU Member States: the prior authorisation from the country of destination;
  • for exports to third countries: proof issued by the competent authorities of the country of destination and, where appropriate, an EUC (End User Certificate).

An application for a European firearms transfer licence must be submitted if this document is required by the country of destination.

Transfer between licensed gunsmiths

In the case of a transfer of firearms between approved gunsmiths within the EU, no licence is required depending on the duration of the agreement (maximum 3 years).

The transaction must then simply be declared to the Ministry of Justice using the form for the transfer declaration of firearms by authorised gunsmith (see 'Online services and forms' - déclaration de transfert d’armes à feu par un armurier agréé).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Arms and Security Service

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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