Registering with and accessing the eCDF system

Last update

The platform for electronic gathering of financial data (plateforme électronique de Collecte des Données Financières - eCDF) is an online system designed for preparing, electronically validating and submitting compulsory financial data required by the State. The platform is accessible at

The platform is used for filing all types of periodical and annual returns (such as VAT returns) and annual financial statements.

There is only one account per applicant (the account holder).

When creating their account, the applicant (natural or legal person) must designate a user – the primary user – as the account administrator, who is responsible for granting access to the entire eCDF system.

The account administrator must hold an electronic certificate that is compatible with the type of eCDF account being applied for.

The type of account that the applicant creates will depend on the features they require (submissions for the account holder or for other users).

Who is concerned

Entities concerned

Any natural person (self-employed worker) or legal person who, being subject to VAT, is required to file VAT returns and recapitulative statements of supplies of goods and services electronically.

Since 1 January 2020, all VAT returns – whether submitted monthly, quarterly or annually – and all recapitulative statements of supplies of goods and services must be submitted electronically via the eCDF platform.

The eCDF account holder

An eCDF account may be applied for:

  • by natural or legal persons for professional LuxTrust certificate or eIDAS certificate eCDF accounts;
  • only by natural persons for private LuxTrust certificate eCDF accounts.

The account administrator

The eCDF account administrator is designated on the eCDF application form by the natural person or the company manager making the application.

The account administrator is the user of the LuxTrust/eIDAS certificate specified in the eCDF application form.

Users of the eCDF system

The account administrator may grant access to the eCDF system to other employees in their company. Users are managed directly through the administrator's account without having to submit further applications to the administrative authorities.

Each eCDF user / account administrator must possess:

  • in the case of professional LuxTrust accounts: a professional LuxTrust certificate with exactly the same "OU" identification number. Users with a different "OU" identification number may not be added, whether in relation to the same identity or to another;
  • in the case of private LuxTrust accounts or eIDAS accounts: an eIDAS certificate or a LuxTrust certificate with no restrictions or verification requirements.

How to proceed

Types of eCDF accounts

Professional LuxTrust eCDF accounts with verification of the "Organizational Unit" ("OU")

Types of certificates

The applicant (future account holder) – who may be either a natural or legal person – may apply for an eCDF account with one of the following types of professional LuxTrust certificates:

  • Smartcard Pro (professional smartcard); or
  • Signing Stick Pro (professional USB stick); or
  • Token Pro.

With this type of account, submissions can be made for:

  • the account holder;
  • other users.

This type of account is also aimed at accounting firms and allows the creation of accounting declarations for their clients.

Means of authentication

The means of authentication must satisfy the following criteria:

  • must be a professional LuxTrust certificate;
  • for security purposes, must contain the company's "Organizational Unit" ("OU") identification number – i.e. the identifier of the holding entity, i.e. one of the official Luxembourgish identification numbers of the account holder (Luxembourg VAT number, registration number in the Trade and Companies Register, Luxembourg national identification number) if available;
  • all professional LuxTrust certificates that are subsequently attached to the eCDF account must contain exactly the same "OU" number as the one specified in the account administrator's (i.e. the primary user's) professional LuxTrust certificate.

When ordering a LuxTrust certificate, the applicant (i.e. the future account holder) must specify either the Luxembourg RCSL number or the Luxembourg VAT number of the company they work for. This number is the "Organizational Unit" ("OU") number.

Applicants without a Luxembourgish identification number, such as foreign accounting firms that want to submit declarations on behalf of their clients should contact the eCDF Helpdesk. It is not necessary to initiate any formalities in order to obtain their own Luxembourgish identification number (matricule).

This identification number must be specified when signing up for a LuxTrust product. It is up to the company to decide which Luxembourg identification number it wishes to use as its "OU" number.

If the eCDF applicant already possesses a professional LuxTrust certificate, it is recommended that they use the "OU" number specified on that certificate. Otherwise, they should use the RCSL number.

When adding users to an eCDF account, the "OU" identification number must appear in each user's professional LuxTrust certificate to ensure that they are associated with the company they represent. All users of the same eCDF account must have the same "OU" identification number.

In practice, the first eCDF account user (i.e. the eCDF account administrator), as determined by their identification number, records the eCDF account's "OU" identification number in their certificate. All other users must provide the same "OU" number when ordering a LuxTrust product, otherwise they cannot be attached to the account.

If need be, the holder of a professional LuxTrust certificate can find the "OU" number recorded in their certificate by using the test & print feature on the LuxTrust website.

eCDF accounts for private LuxTrust certificates

Types of certificates

The applicant, who must be a natural person, can apply for an eCDF account for a private LuxTrust certificate, in the form of one of the following LuxTrust products: Smartcard Private, Stick Private or Token Private.


With this type of account, submissions can only be made for the account holder.

Means of authentication

The user can authenticate their identity using a private LuxTrust certificate.

The name on the eCDF account administrator's LuxTrust certificate must match the name of the eCDF account holder.

eCDF accounts for eIDAS certificates

Types of certificates

The applicant – who may be a natural or legal person – can create an eCDF account with an eIDAS certificate.

The eIDAS certificate is a private certificate.


With this type of account, submissions can only be made for the account holder.

Means of authentication

The user authenticates their identity using their eIDAS certificate.

First-time applications for an eCDF account

Applicants must fill in and date the form for the type of eCDF account they wish to apply for and send it by post to the eCDF Helpdesk at the following address:

Centre des technologies de l’information de l’Etat
Helpdesk eCDF
B.P. 1111
L-1011 Luxembourg

The application must be signed by the entity's manager(s) and by the eCDF account administrator.

Supporting documents

eCDF accounts for professional LuxTrust certificates, with verification of the "Organizational Unit" (OU)

Applicants must enclose the following with their application:

  • details of the professional LuxTrust certificate belonging to the eCDF account administrator specified in item 7 of the application form. For example, the 'Status of your LuxTrust certificate' test report. This report can be generated on;
  • a copy of the ID card of each manager who signed the eCDF application form.

The CTIE may ask the applicant to provide additional supporting documents.

eCDF accounts for private LuxTrust certificates

Applicants must enclose the following with their application:

  • details of the private LuxTrust certificate belonging to the applicant specified in item 7 of the form. For example, the "Status of your LuxTrust certificate" test report. This report can be generated on;
  • a copy of the applicant's ID card.

The CTIE may ask the applicant to provide additional supporting documents.

eCDF accounts for eIDAS certificates

Applicants must enclose the following with their application:

  • if they have a VAT number:
    • a document showing the details of the eIDAS electronic certificate belonging to the eCDF account administrator specified in item 7 of the application form. For example, an eIDAS certificate test report can be created at;
    • the VAT form, "Communication of your contact details". This form may be obtained from the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (Administration de l'enregistrement, des domaines et de la TVA - AED);
    • a copy of the ID card of each manager who signed the eCDF application form;
  • if they do not have a VAT number:
    • a document showing the details of the eIDAS electronic certificate belonging to the eCDF account administrator specified in item 7 of the application form. For example, an eIDAS certificate test report can be created at;
    • an extract from the Trade and Companies Register (Registre de commerce et des sociétés - RCS) in the name of the company filing the application, confirming that the manager(s) specified in item 8 of the form, and who signed the form, has/have the power to sign on behalf of the company;
    • a delegation of signing authority letter, when the application is signed by a person whose name does not appear in the RCS extract;
    • a copy of the ID card of each manager who signed the application.

The CTIE may ask the applicant to provide additional supporting documents.

eCDF account activation email

The eCDF user / account administrator will be sent an account activation email from The user must click on the link contained in the email to validate their eCDF account.

The user will not be able to access the eCDF platform until they have activated their account in this way.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Government IT Centre (CTIE) eCDF Helpdesk

    560, rue de Neudorf L-2220 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    B.P. 1111, L-1011 Luxembourg
    Email address:

Related procedures and links



Further information

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