Aid scheme within the context of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme for the period 2021-2030

Last update

The aid scheme was set up for the benefit of sectors likely to be particularly affected by the hike in electricity prices following the modification of the European Union's emissions trading scheme (ETS).

The purpose of the aid is to cover part of the indirect emission costs for the businesses concerned during the period 2021-2030.

The aid is granted in the form of a capital subsidy.

Applications for financial aid are to be submitted to the General Directorate for Industry, new Technology and Research at the Ministry of the Economy.

Who is concerned

All companies operating:

  • in the industrial sector in Luxembourg;
  • within sectors or sub-sectors considered to be at significant risk of carbon leakage due to European Union greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme-related costs being passed on to the price of electricity.

These sectors and sub-sectors are listed in Annex I of the Guidelines communicated by the European Commission (see under 'Legal References' below).


Companies have 2 options and can submit their application for help:

  • during the year after the year for which the aid is applied for. In this case, the application must be submitted no later than:
    • 15 November 2022 for the financial year 2021; and
    • 31 March of the year following the year for which the aid for the financial years 2022 to 2030 is applied for; or
  • during the year for which the aid is applied for. In this case, the application must be submitted no later than:
    • 30 September for the financial year 2022; and
    • 31 March of the year for which the aid for the financial years 2023 to 2030 is applied for.

The aid shall be paid, at the latest, by 31 December of the year following the year for which the aid is requested.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

The applicant must:

  • complete the aid application form as part of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme for the period 2021-2030 (available under 'Online services and forms' below).

When completed, the applicant must send the form together with the required documents:

  • in electronic format by email to: :
    • .pdf and .doc formats for the form; and
    • .xls format for the calculation of the amount of aid and the profit and loss accounts; and

Note: the subject of the email must include the company's name and the name of the desired aid scheme;

  • by post to the General Directorate for Industry, new Technology and Research at the Ministry of the Economy.

Supporting documents

The applicant must attach the required supporting documents listed in the application form:

Validity period

The provisions of this aid scheme apply until 31 December 2030.

Amount of aid

The aid intensity granted is capped at 75 % of the eligible costs borne by the beneficiary company during a financial year.

Where the amount of aid, calculated according to the legal formula, does not reduce the costs of indirect emissions for the beneficiary company to at least 1.5 % of its gross added value in a financial year, additional aid may be granted to reach this limit.

The maximum amount of aid available is arrived at by multiplying eligible costs by the intensity of aid.


Any person who has received aid on the basis of knowingly false or incomplete information:

  • must repay the aid; and
  • risks imprisonment and/or a fine.

Good to know

If you have any questions about the ETS aid scheme, you can contact the General Directorate for Industry, new Technology and Research at the Ministry of the Economy by telephone at (+352) 247-84719.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

General Directorate - Industry, New Technologies and Research (Financing and State Aid)

  • Ministry of the Economy General Directorate - Industry, New Technologies and Research (Financing and State Aid)

    19-21, boulevard Royal L-2449 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    L-2914 Luxembourg
    Email address:

Related procedures and links


Classified establishments ('commodo/incommodo') Greenhouse gas emission permits for fixed installations


Legal references

  • Communication 2020/C 317/04 de la Commission

    Lignes directrices concernant certaines aides d’État dans le contexte du système d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre après 2021

  • Communication 2021/C528/01 de la Commission

    complétant les lignes directrices concernant certaines aides d’État dans le contexte du système d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre après 2021

  • Loi du 15 juillet 2022

    instaurant un régime d’aides dans le contexte du système d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre pour la période 2021-2030

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