Registration for social security of the assisting spouse or partner

Last update

Any person assisting his/her spouse or partner in the exercise of a self-employed activity must be registered with the social security as an assisting spouse (conjoint-aidant) in order to obtain social security coverage.

The assisting spouse may opt for exemption from compulsory insurance.

Who is concerned

The status as an assisting spouse is aimed at persons who:

  • are at least 18 years old;
  • provide services:
    • to their spouse (or partner) who exercises a self-employed activity in their own name;
    • to such an extent that these services are to be considered as a main activity.

The following cannot be registered as an assisting spouse:

  • the assistant who also exercises another professional activity;
  • the assistant whose spouse/partner exercises a self-employed activity in the context of a company. In this case, the assistant must be registered as an employee by the company.


The conditions for affiliating the assisting spouse with the social security are the following:

  • the assistant and the main insured person must be married or tied by a registered partnership (civil union, civil partnership);
  • the activity in question must be the main activity of the assisting spouse. A 'part-time' affiliation (for occasional work) does not exist;
  • the spouse/partner of the assisting person must be registered with the Luxembourg social security as a self-employed person in their own name. If the spouse/partner exercises the self-employed activity within the framework of a company, the assisting spouse must be registered as an employee of said company;
  • the spouse/partner of the assisting spouse must not be exempted from registration because of "insignificant" income.

How to proceed

Filing an application

In order to register with the social security, the assisting spouse or the main insured person must submit a registration form for assisting spouse to the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre Commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS).

This form must provide information concerning:

  • the assisting spouse;
  • the main insured person

The CCSS sends a confirmation to the assisting spouse for the purpose of verification of the data.

In the event of a change to these data or cessation of the activity, the CCSS must be notified.

Exemption from registration as an assisting spouse

The assisting spouse may opt for exemption from compulsory insurance.

For this to happen, they must send an application for exemption for assisting spouse to the CCSS.

In this case, the assisting spouse will receive no cash benefits in the event of an occupational accident, sickness or maternity. They will also not benefit from long-term care insurance. Similarly, the pension risk is not insured.

The assisting spouse can be registered again if they so wish. They must simply submit the registration form for assisting spouse to the CCSS.

Both the exemption and the registration form take effect the month after having been received by the CCSS.

Reduction of the contributions for pension insurance

If the self-employed worker with an assisting spouse declares professional income below the social minimum wage, they can request a reduction of the contributions for pension insurance.

This reduction is applied to both the self-employed person and the assisting spouse.

Voluntary membership to the employers' mutual insurance scheme

Self-employed persons can voluntarily join the Employers' mutual insurance scheme in order to be insured against loss of income in the case of sickness. The assisting spouse is automatically affiliated as well.

Voluntary membership to the employers' mutual insurance scheme is inseparable from the main insured person's membership.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Joint Social Security Centre

  • Joint Social Security Centre (CCSS)

    4, rue Mercier L-2144 Luxembourg
    L-2975 Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 8.00
    8.00 to 16.00
    8.00 to 16.00
    8.00 to 16.00
    8.00 to 16.00
    8.00 to 16.00

    The reception desks can only be visited by appointment.

Related procedures and links

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