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Accommodation forms: new solution for the transmission and a digitalisation aid measure
Last update
Are you running an accommodation establishment? If so, you are required to establish an accommodation form for each traveller and each stay.
From 1 October 2025, a new solution for collecting and transmitting traveller data by electronic means will replace the current method.
In order to be operational as soon as this new solution is activated, prepare ahead and:
- register your accommodation establishment as of now with STATEC;
- request access to the electronic accommodation form system.
These procedures require authentication and must be carried out online via a certified business eSpace on
Furthermore, in order to help you through the transition phase, you can request a temporary aid measure 'digitalisation of accommodation forms' which is offered until 1 October 2025.
It is paid in the form of a capital subsidy in the maximum amount of EUR 2,000.
You can find all information in our explanatory information pages on: