Becoming a volunteer in the emergency services

Last update

Without volunteers, it would not be possible to run emergency services in Luxembourg.

Emergency services in Luxembourg are grouped together in the Grand Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (Corps grand-ducal d’incendie et de secours - CGDIS). Volunteer and professional firefighters of the CGDIS carry out civil safety missions (firefighting, rescue of persons, first aid, rescue operations with respect to property and animals).

Who is concerned

Any person who wishes to volunteer in the emergency services.


Volunteer firefighter trainees within a unit of the CGDIS have to:

  • be 16 years of age at least and provide a written consent of their legal guardian if they are still a minor;
  • satisfy the conditions of physical and medical fitness;
  • have been to the orientation interview;
  • have a physical presentation which is compatible with the position and the uniform (no tattoos or scarifications etc. which show that the person is belonging to a political, union or religious organisation, or any other association, or which interfere with the duty of discretion, loyalty and exemplarity);
  • provide an extract from the criminal records and not have been convicted to a sentence which is incompatible with the performance of their duties;
  • work on-duty hours at the fire station or be on-call duty from home;
  • complete initial training.

Becoming a member of the CGDIS may be refused depending on the number or severity of the sentences recorded in the criminal record, or on the age of the entry(ies) into the criminal record.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

In order to submit their application, candidates must complete a membership agreement. The document may be obtained from an emergency services centre. It is also possible to fill out the agreement online on the CGDIS website (see 'Online services and forms') or to obtain further information at 49 77 1 23 32.

Online services and forms

Online services

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


Extract from the criminal record of a natural person


Further information

  • Le CGDIS

    sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

  • Recrutement

    sur le Portail 112 des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

  • Le Portail 112

    des secours du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg

Legal references

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