Leave for youth workers

Last update

The purpose of leave for youth workers is to support the development of activities that benefit youth in Luxembourg.

Applications to obtain leave for youth workers are managed by the National Youth Service (Service national de la jeunesse - SNJ).

Who is concerned?

To be entitled to leave for youth workers you must:

  • be employed (in the private or public sector), bound by an employment contract to a company or association that is legally established and active in Luxembourg; or
  • be a self-employed worker or a person exercising a liberal profession who:
    • has been affiliated for at least 2 years with the social security institutions in Luxembourg; and
    • has his/her professional domicile in Luxembourg.


Organisation or supervision of an activity

For an activity to be eligible, it must be aimed essentially at young people and be organised by:

  • a body that is approved or accredited by the Minister responsible for Youth, Education, Culture, Sport or Family;
  • a group affiliated with a federation that is recognised by the Minister responsible for Youth, Education, Culture, Sport or Family;
  • a public service, primary or secondary school;
  • a communal service.

The activities and training courses must have a duration of at least 2 days, unless it is for a coherent series of courses which each lasts one day only.

The maximum number of applicants per activity is obtained by dividing by 5 the number of young people participating in the activity (excluding supervisors).

The organiser must specify the number of participants on the application form for leave for youth workers (see 'Online services and forms').

List of eligible activities:

  • holiday camps, other camps or other leisure activities;
  • international competitions, including preparation for these competitions;
  • music camps, orchestra tours;
  • camps for the creative arts;
  • sporting events such as sports holiday camps, leisure activity tournaments.

Participation in training

For a training course to be eligible, it must be aimed primarily at supervising young people.

Eligible training:

  • youth leader training courses approved by the Minister for Youth;
  • international training courses or seminars offered within the context of the 'Erasmus +/Youth in action' programme of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe;
  • international training courses or seminars by international organisations to which the national bodies approved by the Minister of Youth are affiliated;
  • training courses for youth leaders in the cultural field, provided that:
    • these are aimed primarily at supervising young people;
    • they are recognised by a body associated with or approved by the Ministry of Culture.

Leave for youth workers for employees

  • The leave may not be attached to a period of annual legal leave or a period of sick leave where that would cause a continuous absence of more than 3 weeks within the business or association.
  • The leave may be deferred if the requested absence is likely to significantly impact the proper operation of the business or the planning of annual leave for the staff.
  • Leave for youth workers cannot be deducted from annual leave or leave resulting from a collective or individual agreement.
  • The duration of leave for youth workers is treated as a period of actual work. Throughout the duration of the leave, the legal and regulatory provisions relating to social security and protection from dismissal continue to apply.


The complete file must be submitted at least 3 weeks before the start of the activity.

If you do not comply with this 3-week deadline, the National Youth Service cannot guarantee that your file will be processed before the start of the activity. Consequently, you may have to take part in the activity without being certain that your application will be approved. This exposes you to the risk of having to use your own annual leave in the event of a refusal.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

The leave for youth workers must be requested by using a form (see 'Online services and forms'), which is divided into 3 distinct sections:

1. you fill in the 1st section of the form;

2. you must then give it to your employer who fills in the 2nd section;

3. once the form has been signed by your employer, you must forward it to the organisation so that it can complete and sign the 3rd section;

4. once you have received the form signed by the organisation, you have to:

  • check that all of the fields in all 3 sections have been completed; and
  • attach the supporting documents in accordance with the instructions shown on the 1st page of the form.

The complete file must be sent:

Service national de la jeunesse

c/o Congé jeunesse

L-2926 Luxembourg

Incomplete files will be returned to you.

Maximum duration

The duration of the leave for youth workers cannot exceed 60 days throughout your professional career.

You have the right to a maximum of 20 days’ leave for youth workers per 2-year period, starting from the 1st day of leave for youth workers requested.

If you wish to organise or supervise an activity but you do not have an assistant youth leader certificate, a youth leader certificate or an equivalent qualification at the time of your application, you are only entitled to two-thirds of the requested number of days of leave for youth workers.

Specific training:

  • leisure-sports leader;
  • trainer, with a specific focus on training young people;
  • support worker in social and family services (children and family module).

Professional training in the field of education:

  • certified educator, qualified educator;
  • teacher in primary and secondary education;
  • educationalist;
  • socio-educational agent;
  • DAP in education.

Certificates recognised in foreign countries:

  • Bafa (F);
  • Juleika (D).

For each day of leave, beneficiaries of the leave for youth workers receive a compensatory allowance equal to their average daily wage. However, this cannot exceed 4 times the amount of the social minimum wage for unskilled workers.

The employer pays this allowance, which is reimbursed to them by the State upon submission of the application for reimbursement.

The reimbursement must be applied for by submitting the form 'Déclaration de remboursement' (see 'Online services and forms' below). The 1st page of the form shows the documents to attach to the application.

The complete file must be sent:

Service national de la jeunesse

c/o Congé jeunesse

L-2926 Luxembourg

Incomplete files will be returned to the employer.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

National Youth Service

2 of 4 bodies shown

National Youth Service

2 of 4 bodies shown

Related procedures and links


Further information


Social parameters

Consult the current social parameters.

Legal references

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