Enrolling in a technical or administrative management course for different sports activities
Last update
The Institut national de l’activité physique et des sports (INAPS) organises different types of training in the sports sector. They are intended for:
- technical managers (i.e. sports coaches, physical preparation coaches, motor coaches and sports instructors); and
- administrative managers in the sports sector.
Registration for these courses is done via the MyGuichet.lu platform using a LuxTrust certificate or an electronic identity card (eID).
Who is concerned
- Technical managers
- Administrative managers
Any natural person:
- responsible for the technical supervision of athletes at the level of approved sports federations and their affiliated sports clubs; or
- who works in the field of sports and is interested by training.
Any natural person:
- responsible for the administration or management, or who contributes to the administration or management of approved sports federations and their affiliated sports clubs; or
- interested by the administration of approved sports federations or affiliated sports clubs.
- Technical managers
- Administrative managers
The prerequisites to register for an INAPS technical management training course depend on the level of training sought.
Basic training (LUXQF 3)
In order to register for basic training (LUXQF 3), the candidate must:
- have reached the minimum age for the chosen training course (in principle, the minimum age is 16, but this may vary depending on the sport or specialisation chosen); and
- have no medical contraindication to active participation in the training units.
Please note that registration for the practical part requires the candidate to be at least 17 years old, and admission to the final examination requires the candidate to be at least 18 years old.
Technical ability requirements may be set according to the sports disciplines or specialisations chosen.
Preliminary training may be scheduled depending on the sports disciplines or specialisations chosen.
In basic training (LUXQF 3), intermediate certifications in the form of LUXQF 1 and LUXQF 2 certificates are awarded.
Intermediate (LUXQF 4), advanced (LUXQF 5) or higher (LUXQF 6) training
In order to enrol in an intermediate (LUXQF 4), advanced (LUXQF 5) or higher (LUXQF 6) training course, the candidate must:
- be at least 18 years old; and
- be the holder of:
- a state licence or corresponding recognised certificate that validates the training course of the level below the training course targeted; and
- a valid INAPS certificate of the level below the training course targeted; and
- no medical contraindication to active participation in the training units.
Technical or tactical ability requirements may be set according to the sports disciplines or specialisations chosen.
Depending on the sports disciplines or specialisations chosen:
- preliminary training may be scheduled; or
- a certain percentage may be required for the final grade of the state licence for the lower level of training or in an admission test.
The prerequisites to register for an INAPS administrative management training course depend on the level of training sought.
Basic training (LUXQF 3)
In order to enrol in basic training (LUXQF 3), the candidate must be at least 16 years old.
Please note that registration for the practical part requires the candidate to be at least 17 years old, and admission to the final examination requires the candidate to be at least 18 years old.
Preliminary training may be scheduled.
In basic training (LUXQF 3), intermediate certifications in the form of LUXQF 1 and LUXQF 2 certificates are awarded.
Intermediate (LUXQF 4), advanced (LUXQF 5) or higher (LUXQF 6) training
In order to enrol in an intermediate (LUXQF 4), advanced (LUXQF 5) or higher (LUXQF 6) training course, the candidate must:
- be at least 18 years old; and
- be the holder of:
- a state licence or corresponding recognised certificate that validates the training course of the level below the training course targeted; and
- a valid INAPS certificate of the level below the training course targeted.
Depending on the sports disciplines or specialisations chosen:
- preliminary training may be scheduled; or
- a certain percentage may be required for the final grade of the state licence for the lower level of training or in an admission test.
Registration for training courses is subject to a fee. The fee depends on the course chosen:
- LUXQF 1: EUR 50 in principle (the amount may vary depending on the accredited sports federation. Certain training courses are free of charge);
- LUXQF 2: EUR 50 in principle (the amount may vary depending on the accredited sports federation. Certain training courses are free of charge);
- LUXQF 3: EUR 125;
- LUXQF 4: EUR 230;
- LUXQF 5: EUR 300.
How to proceed
Application for registration
The application to register for the training course is made via MyGuichet.lu. In order to do so, candidates need a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID) which they must use to register and authenticate themselves on MyGuichet.lu.
The catalogue of training courses organised by INAPS and the direct links to register can be found on the INAPS website, in the section 'Inscription'.
Supporting documents
- Technical managers
- Administrative managers
If the candidate does not have a valid medical fitness certificate issued by the Sports Medicine Service (known as a "valid health and fitness certificate"), they must enclose a recent medical certificate attesting to the absence of medical contraindication to active participation in the training units.
Other supporting documents (e.g.: motivation letter, sports curriculum vitae, etc.) may be required depending on the level of the training courses, the sports disciplines, or the specialisations chosen.
Supporting documents (e.g.: motivation letter, sports curriculum vitae, etc.) may be required depending on the level of the training courses chosen.
Planning the training programme for accepted registrations
Candidates who have been accepted for a training course can proceed with the planning of their training programme.
Planning is also done using MyGuichet.lu. The direct link to the programme planning is provided in the confirmation email sent to the candidate after their application for a course has been accepted.
Cancellation of participation in a training course or in one or more training modules
Candidates can cancel their participation in a training course or in one or more training modules.
Cancellation is also done using MyGuichet.lu. The direct link for cancellation is provided in the confirmation email sent to the candidate after the planning of the training programme for accepted registrations.
If a candidate cancels their participation before the start of the course, they will be credited the amount of the full registration fee.
If a candidate cancels their participation 10 working days before the start of the course, they can obtain a refund of the registration fee paid. In order to obtain the refund, the applicant must send an email as soon as possible to the following address: finance.inaps@inaps.etat.lu.
If the INAPS cancels or postpones the training course, the candidate will be credited the amount of the registration fees paid. They can also obtain a refund of the registration fees paid by sending an email to INAPS: finance.inaps@inaps.etat.lu.
The refund is paid by bank transfer. In order to be refunded, the applicant may be asked to provide supporting documents (such as a medical certificate) to INAPS.
Candidates who withdraw during the training course will not receive any refund of registration fees or credit.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Sport Institut national de l’activité physique et des sports (INAPS)
- Address:
66, rue de Trèves
B.P. 180, L-2011 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 73 400
- Email address:
- info@inaps.etat.lu
- Website:
- https://inaps.public.lu/fr.html
Related procedures and links
Further information
sur le site de l’Institut national de l’activité physique et des sports (INAPS)
Legal references
Loi modifié du 29 novembre 1988
portant organisation de la structure administrative de l'éducation physique et des sports
Loi modifiée du 3 août 2005
concernant le sport
Règlement grand-ducal du 20 mai 2021
relatif à la détermination et à l’organisation des formations des cadres techniques et administratifs pour les différentes formes d’activités sportives