Requesting an energy performance certificate (Energiepass) for a residential building

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Residential buildings are classified according to their energy performance.

The energy performance certificate (also known as Energiepass - energy passport) provides information on a building's calculated energy consumption and its CO2 emissions. The certificate specifies energy performance classes ranging from A+ (the most energy-efficient) to I (the least energy-efficient). This classification is based on the following indexes:

  • the primary energy requirement (energy performance class);
  • the heating energy requirement (thermal insulation class);
  • the building's CO2 emissions (environmental performance class).

The establishment of an energy performance certificate (certificat de performance énergétique - CPE) is mandatory when selling, leasing, renovating, extending or constructing a residential building.

The energy performance certificate for a residential building must be requested from construction experts such as:

  • architects; or
  • engineering consultancy firms; or
  • experts approved by the Ministry of the Economy.

The persons authorised to establish energy performance certificates for residential buildings and who have taken the specific training course (optional) organised by the Ministry of the Economy are indicated in this list (French, Pdf, 465 Kb).

Who is concerned

The energy performance certificate for a residential building must be applied for by:

  • the developer, future owner, or commonhold association in the case of a new building;
  • the owner or commonhold association in the case of an extension, modification or significant remodelling of an existing building;
  • the former owner or commonhold association in the case of a change of ownership or tenancy and if a valid energy performance certificate does not already exist for the building in question.


The person applying for the energy performance certificate will be required to pay the cost of having it drawn up.

This costs for an energy performance certificate may vary depending on the professional it was requested from.

How to proceed

Obligation to have an energy performance certificate established

The establishment of an energy performance certificate is mandatory in the case of:

  • the construction of a residential building for which a building permit is required;
  • the extension of a residential building;
  • any change of ownership or tenancy concerning a residential building if a valid energy performance certificate does not already exist for the building in question.

Exception: the establishment of an energy performance certificate is not mandatory if the purpose of the sale is the demolition of the building, or if it is a public sale by auction, seizure of property or public auction.

The energy performance certificate may also be required in the following cases:

  • modification (building permit required) or substantial transformation (no building permit required) with an impact on the building's energy performance, if the surface of the modified part of a building's thermal envelope represents more than 10 % of the surface of ​​the building's same part (exterior walls, roof, windows, etc.). For example, if the total facade of a house is 200m2, and 40m2 of this facade is being insulated, the 10 % of the total surface of the facade are exceeded and an energy pass must be established;
  • works concerning the building's technical installations (heating, ventilation, etc.) whose costs exceed:
    • EUR 1,500 in the case of a single-family building;
    • EUR 3,000 for a multi-family building.

In the case of a new construction, a new energy performance calculation that reflects the building 'as built' must be drawn up and issued to the mayor for information purposes within 2 months from the moment one of the 2 following events occurs first:

  • the final acceptance of the building or works concerned;
  • the start of use of the building or its parts concerned.

Experts authorised to establish an energy performance certificate

The energy performance certificate is established by:

Applicants may contact an expert of their choice.

The persons authorised to establish energy performance certificates for residential buildings and who have taken the specific training course (optional) organised by the Ministry of the Economy are indicated in this list (French, Pdf, 465 Kb).

All owners of a residential building receive the original copy of the energy performance certificate for their building.

In the event of a change in ownership, the original copy of the energy performance certificate must be handed over to the new owner.

In the event of a change of tenancy, a certified copy of the energy performance certificate must be provided to the new tenant.

For existing residential buildings, the certificate contains recommendations on how to improve energy performance.

Documents required for the establishment of an energy performance certificate

When constructing a new building or extending an existing building (non-exhaustive list):

  • floor and facade plans for the future building/extension;
  • construction details indicating the composition of the various elements of the envelope of the future building/extension;
  • details of all the technical installations used for heating, hot water production, photovoltaic and ventilation installations of the future building/extension.
  • a feasibility study covering the environmental and economic technical aspects (only for new buildings).

In the case of an existing building (non-exhaustive list):

  • floor and facade plans for the building (if available);
  • construction details indicating the composition of the various elements of the building envelope (if available);
  • invoices or statements relating to thermal energy consumption (natural gas, oil, heating network, etc.) for the 3 years preceding the date of establishment of the energy performance certificate.

In the case of an existing building, the expert must also inspect the building.

Duration of validity of the energy performance certificate

Energy performance certificates are valid for a period of 10 years.

The date of establishment and period of validity are indicated on the certificate.

4 years after the establishment of an energy performance certificate for a new building at the latest, the owner must complete the certificate with a measured energy expenditure index for heating and hot water.

Obligation to provide information about the energy performance certificate in the case of a sale or rental

Prospective buyers or tenants must be able to consult a building's energy performance certificate.

Commercial real estate sales and rental advertisements should therefore indicate:

  • the energy performance class; and
  • the thermal insulation class;

as they appear on the building's valid energy performance certificate.

Who to contact

  • Order of Architects and Consulting Engineers (OAI)

    6, boulevard Grande-Duchesse Charlotte L-1330 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens Monday at 9.00
    9.00 to 12.00 , 14.00 to 16.00
    9.00 to 12.00 , 14.00 to 16.00
    9.00 to 12.00 , 14.00 to 16.00
    9.00 to 12.00 , 14.00 to 16.00
    9.00 to 12.00 , 14.00 to 16.00

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