Stay mobile

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Use Adapto's specialised transport service

The Adapto transport service provides transportation for people with reduced mobility thanks to a fleet of specially equipped vehicles. The service is there to help you attend your medical appointments or do your shopping.

Booking is simple and staff are on hand to assist you. Don't forget to check the eligibility conditions and the booking terms and conditions.

Application for a travel card for people with reduced mobility (Adapto)

Benefit from a priority and/or disability card

If you have reduced mobility or have a disability, you can apply for a disability and/or priority card. These cards can be particularly useful, for example if you are travelling by bus or train and there are a lot of passengers.

If you reside in Luxembourg, disability and/or priority cards must be requested from the communal administration at your place of residence.

If you are a cross-border worker, you must apply to the disability card service (Service des cartes d’invalidité) of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

The priority card is issued to people with disabilities that make walking or standing difficult. The priority card entitles you to priority of passage (especially in queues) and service, and the right to a seat in all circumstances.

There are 3 categories of disability card depending on the degree of physical or mental disability of its holder. A disability card extends the rights of its holder, such as the right to be accompanied by an assistance dog.

Requesting a disability and priority card

Request the parking permit for disabled people

Under certain conditions, you can obtain a disabled parking card, easily recognisable by its light blue colour and wheelchair symbol. It allows you to park in reserved spaces, making it easier to get around by car without having to search long and hard for accessible parking. It must be placed in a visible manner behind the windscreen. This card is valid in all EU Member States, a major advantage when travelling abroad.

Requesting a parking permit for disabled people

Free travel on public transport

In Luxembourg, you have access to an extensive public transport network for easy travel throughout the country and abroad. You need to follow certain rules to use it. From 1 March 2020, 2nd class travel is free for domestic journeys, while 1st class and cross-border journeys are partially or fully payable.

Using public transport in Luxembourg

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