Prepare your next holiday with peace of mind

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Check your travel documents

Before you leave, check the validity of the travel documents you need to enter your destination country (identity card, passport, visa).

If your identity card or passport is about to expire or has expired, apply for its renewal online without delay.

You can travel with a valid national identity document or passport within the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and Switzerland.

For travel outside the EU, a valid passport and where applicable, a visa, will be required.

To avoid any setbacks, find out more and consult the website of the embassy of the country you are about to visit.

Notify your trip

Register your stay abroad with the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade to facilitate access to consular assistance in the event of an emergency, such as an accident or the need for repatriation. This also allows the local authorities to intervene quickly on your behalf.

The declaration can be made by residents of Luxembourg nationality and their accompanying persons of other nationalities.

Make sure you have insurance coverage

Remember to always bring your European Health Insurance Card with you in order to be entitled to health care during your stay in one of the countries of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland

With this card you are entitled to benefit from health care under the same conditions and at the same rate as the people insured in these countries.

You should also consider taking out additional travel insurance to cover emergency medical expenses and repatriation, especially if you are travelling outside the EU.

Manage unforeseen transport disruptions

When you travel, you can be faced with transport problems such as flight cancellations or train delays. You have traveller rights and depending on the circumstances, you may be entitled to compensation, re-routing or assistance. Ideally, you should find out beforehand what to do and who to contact in the event of a problem.

Should your rights not be respected, you can lodge a complaint with the Directorate for Consumer Protection or the European Consumer Centre Luxembourg.

You can also visit official EU websites such as 'Your Europe', where you will find detailed guides on how to assert your rights in various travel situations.

Rights and responsibilities of travellers

Be aware of customs restrictions

Find out about customs restrictions if you want to bring back souvenirs from your trip. Be particularly careful with food, alcohol and tobacco.

As part of the fight against money laundering and the financing of terrorism, be sure to declare any transport of cash of EUR 10,000 or more to Luxembourg customs.

Ask the police to check on your home

To protect your home while you are away, the Grand Ducal Police offers a home surveillance service. You must apply in advance to your local police station. You can easily make this request online via the Grand Ducal Police's website.

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