Plan your civil wedding

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Do you meet the conditions for getting married?

To make your civil marriage official in Luxembourg:

  • you and your partner must be at least 18 years old; and
  • one of you must officially reside in Luxembourg.
Preparing for the civil marriage

Be sure to follow the administrative procedures

You will need to complete a number of administrative procedures beforehand.

The marriage may be celebrated in the commune where one of you is legally resident. One of you must go to the town hall in your place of residence and give the following documents to the civil registrar in person:

  • your valid identity documents;
  • a full copy of your birth certificate, less than 6 months old;
  • a certificate of legal capacity to marry;
  • your national identification numbers;
  • your residence certificates.

The wedding date will be set when all the supporting documents have been submitted.

Each marriage must be preceded by a 10-day public notice in the commune where the future spouses reside. This notice is published as soon as the necessary documents have been received by the civil registrar's office of the commune in which the marriage is to be celebrated. These documents must be submitted to the civil registrar's office no later than one month before the planned wedding date.

Marriage is considered to be a contract between two people who wish to be united. This has legal consequences for the spouses during the marriage and until its dissolution.

Anyone bound by an employment contract is entitled to special leave for personal reasons. So if both of you are employees (or apprentices), you each get 3 days' special leave.

Consider the legal and tax implications

As a married couple, you are automatically subject to a matrimonial regime. This regime is a set of rules that manages your financial interests and determines the management of your assets and debts during the marriage. If you have not signed a marriage contract, you are automatically subject to the community of property regime.

You are free to choose and change your matrimonial regime before and during your marriage.

As a resident or cross-border worker in Luxembourg, you can also choose your taxation method. You can choose to be taxed:

  • individually: you are each considered as individual single persons and are taxed individually in tax class 1 on your own personal income.
  • jointly: you are considered, as a couple, to be a single taxpayer and are automatically taxed in tax class 2.

As married taxpayers, you have the choice, under certain conditions, between:

  • joint taxation;
  • purely individual taxation;
  • individual taxation with reallocation of income between spouses.

It is also possible for Luxembourg residents to marry abroad under certain conditions.

Obtain your family record book

At the time of your civil marriage at the town hall, after you have signed the register, you will obtain your family record book. Your children's births and any changes to your civil status will be recorded in this book.

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