Financial aid for special home adaptations for persons with disabilities

Last update


Under certain conditions, you can apply for a subsidy to specially adapt a home to meet the needs of a person with disabilities.

You can receive aid for special home adaptations for persons with disabilities in order to carry out special adaptations which meet the specific needs of people with one or more disabilities.

The subsidy amounts to a certain percentage of the cost of works not covered by the long-term care insurance and may not exceed EUR 20,000 per person with disabilities.

The rate of contribution of the Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning varies depending on the composition and the income of the household of the person with disabilities.

The subsidy may be granted for special home adaptations in existing or newly built homes. The subsidy can be paid in several instalments.

Who is concerned

  • Person with disabilities;
  • the legal representative of a person with disabilities; or
  • the owner of the dwelling in which a person with disabilities is living, where the owner has carried out the special adaptation work at their own expense.

'Persons with disabilities' include those:

  • who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments, and
  • which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.

The person with disabilities must have a right to stay in Luxembourg for more than 3 months and be listed in the National Registry of Natural Persons.


Conditions relating to the home

The home must be located in Luxembourg.

Conditions relating to the works

You can receive financial aid for the following works which necessarily have to meet the needs of the person with disabilities:

  • adaptation to improve access to the property;
  • transformations and adaptations inside the home, facilitating the mobility of the person with disabilities;
  • enlargement of doors;
  • first-time installation of a special elevator or equivalent type of equipment;
  • first-time installation of special equipment in the kitchen, bathroom and toilets;
  • fitting of technical equipment.

Dwelling conditions

The dwelling in which the special adaptations have been carried out and for which the subsidy is applied for, must be the principal and permanent residence of the person with disabilities for at least 2 years from the date of the decision to grant the financial aid.

If the person with disabilities is unable to live in the dwelling while the work is being carried out, they have a maximum of 3 years after the aid is granted to return to the home, failing which the aid will have to be repaid. In this event, the period of 2 years begins on the date the person actually occupies the dwelling.

Absence of ownership

Neither the applicant for the aid nor any other member of their household can be the owner of another dwelling in Luxembourg or abroad.

Absence of coverage by the long-term care insurance

You must have carried out the special adaptations at your own expense.

The special adaptation work may not have been covered by the long-term care insurance.

Conditions relating to income

The income of the household of the person with disabilities must be lower than the statutory limit.

Determining the household's income

The income taken into account corresponds to the average income for the 2 calendar years preceding the date of issue of the invoices for the works.

If the household only has an income in the year in which the invoices are issued and in the year preceding that date, the income taken into account is the average of the income for these 2 calendar years.

For example:

You have undertaken works for which invoices were issued in October 2023.

Your household must have received income during the year 2022.

The average of the income for the years 2021 and 2022 is taken into account for the calculation. If the household had no income in 2021, the subsidy is calculated on the basis of the income for 2022 and 2023.

If the total income to be taken into account includes income originating from remunerated work that was not engaged in throughout the calendar year in question, such income is to be extrapolated over a whole year.

The household's monthly net income is calculated by taking into account:

  • net income as stipulated in article 10 of the amended income tax law of 4 December 1967, after deduction of social security contributions and actual taxes withheld (e.g. income from paid employment or old-age pension, unemployment benefits, parental leave allowance, REVIS, RPGH, etc.);
  • the maintenance payments received;
  • net accident annuity amounts;
  • gross earnings paid for overtime hours.

Maintenance payments paid by you are deducted from income.

Income from dependent children is not taken into account.

Social benefits are not taken into account to determine the household's net income, such as:

  • family allowance;
  • back-to-school allowance;
  • cost-of-living allowance.

Note: the above list is indicative only. The legal and regulatory provisions prevail.


You must submit your application for a subsidy for special adaptations within 2 years of the date of issue of the invoices for the works.

How to proceed

If you wish to benefit from this aid, you must submit your application to the Single point of contact for housing assistance using a specific form (see 'Online services and forms').

The completed and signed form along with all necessary supporting documents can be submitted to the Single point of contact for housing assistance:

  • by post; or
  • by depositing the form at their offices.

Note: applications submitted electronically (using the email address must be confirmed by postal mail to the administration.

If the applicant is under protective supervision (curatorship, guardianship, etc.), the application must be completed and signed by their legal representative.

Supporting documents

You must attach the following documents to the application form:

  • a copy of the applicant's identity document;
  • a medical certificate attesting to the disability;
  • a certificate from the National Health Fund (Caisse nationale de santé) stating that the person with disabilities has not received financial assistance from the long-term care insurance for the adaptations for which a subsidy is requested;
  • a declaration concerning the household composition (form L/A21 under 'Online services and forms'), duly dated and signed by the applicant;
  • documents providing proof of the household's income;
  • a certificate of affiliation to the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS) for each member of the household;
  • a copy of the receipted invoices for the works carried out;
  • for third country nationals (including British nationals): a document proving the applicant's right to stay in Luxembourg;
  • a declaration of honour (form A92 under 'Online services and forms') duly signed by the applicant declaring that no member of their household owns another dwelling in Luxembourg or abroad. If the application is made by multiple applicants, it is necessary to add a signed declaration of honour for each individual applicant.

If the person with disabilities is under protective supervision (curatorship, guardianship), you must add the following supporting documents:

  • a copy of the identity card of the legal representative of the person with disabilities; and
  • a copy of the judgment in respect of protective supervision.

Submission of additional supporting documents at the request of the Housing Aid Service

If you have made an application to the Housing Aid Service, supporting documents may be requested. If you have a file number, you can submit these documents using an online assistant on (see 'Online services and forms'). The documents you need to provide are listed in the letter you received from the Housing Aid Service.

They can be submitted:

  • with authentication using a LuxTrust product or an electronic identity card (eID); or
  • without authentication.

These documents must be submitted within 3 months. If you fail to reply to the request or if you reply after the deadline, your file will be closed and your application rejected.

Family status

The status to be taken into account is that existing on the date of the decision to grant the aid.

As the applicant, you must immediately inform the minister of any change that could affect the granting, maintenance, modification or withdrawal of the aid, failing which you may be required to reimburse the aid retroactively.

Assessment and granting of the aid

The subsidy for special adaptations is calculated using the formula provided for by law. The amount of the aid varies according to the composition and income of the household.

If you are granted the subsidy, you will be informed in writing.

The subsidy will be transferred to the bank account indicated in the application form.


The subsidy for special adaptations must be reimbursed if:

  • the applicant has made inaccurate or incomplete declarations for the granting or maintenance of aid;
  • the dwelling conditions regarding the subsidy have not been respected.

Refusal of aid

The aid is refused if:

  • a member of the household (including the applicant) already is the owner of another dwelling, whether in Luxembourg or abroad;
  • the application contains false or incomplete information;
  • the application does not contain all the required documents;
  • one or more conditions for granting the aid are not met.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

  • Ministry of Housing and Spatial Planning Single point of contact for housing assistance

    11, rue de Hollerich L-1741 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    (+352) 80 02 10 10
    Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 16.00
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens tomorrow at 8.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    8.00 to 12.00 , 13.30 to 16.00
    Thursdays by appointment only

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