Grant to support artistic creation and the professional development of artists
Last update
Culture is an essential building block for a democratic, modern, open, tolerant and inclusive society. One of the objectives of cultural policy is to create the best conditions to enable artists to carry out their activities, to develop their creative potential, to freely produce their works and to develop their own expression of life in society.
With this in mind, the State has implemented a series of measures and mechanisms to promote the development and expansion of artistic and cultural professions, such as the grant to support artistic creation and the professional development of artists.
The purposes of the grant are as follows:
- promote research, creation and development by providing authors and artists with the necessary resources to produce works and carry out various activities related to their artistic process throughout their career;
- provide support to artists who wish to progress in their discipline or acquire new skills to further their career;
- support creative activities that can lead to production and dissemination;
- support actions for market development and artistic cooperation.
Who is concerned
You are eligible for this grant if:
- you are a professional artist, author, designer and/or performer or a collective of professional artists; and
- you actively participate in the artistic life in Luxembourg through your involvement at a local, regional or national level and your cooperation with Luxembourg's cultural institutions and other actors in Luxembourg's cultural scene.
Non-profit associations (ASBL) or other groupings with legal personality are not eligible for this programme.
The grant can be awarded:
- for research or for the execution of a well-defined artistic creation project (support in the artistic process, not to be confused with material creation or production); or
- as support for further training (completion of specific training).
You are not eligible for this grant if your main activity is:
- the creation of works intended or used for purely commercial purposes or for advertising;
- the creation of works that are pornographic, incite violence or racial hatred, condone crimes against humanity, and generally contravene public order and morality.
Applications for grants are reviewed 3 times a year by a committee responsible for advising the Minister for Culture.
The 3 application deadlines for the year 2025 are:
- 1 March 2025;
- 1 July 2025;
- 1 November 2025.
Your application for a grant must be submitted:
- before the start of the artistic work or the start of artistic development and retraining courses; and
- within the application deadlines.
A grant cannot be awarded:
- for artistic work already underway at the time of application; or
- for artistic work already completed at the time of application.
Applications that are incomplete or that are received after the application deadline and for which the completion deadlines can no longer be met are not eligible.
How to proceed
Submitting the application
You must submit the application online via with or without a LuxTrust product or electronic ID card (eID).
- Procedure with authentication
- Procedure without authentication
You must have a private eSpace (Pdf, 3.49 Mb) on the platform.
The procedure with authentication using a LuxTrust product or an eID has many features that are not available with the procedure without authentication.
Applicants can save the form as a draft, pause the application process and resume it later.
In addition, if you have a private eSpace on, you can:
- fill in your form automatically with the data that is in your private eSpace;
- track your application online and view electronic messages from the administration in your personal dashboard;
- view the history of all your previous applications.
Tracking applications
With authentication, you can:
- complete your application without having all the required documents in advance;
- pause while filling in the form and resume it later, but you must have attached all the supporting documents required to send your application.
Once your application has been sent, you will receive an email notification and a message in your private eSpace on in the 'My messages' section.
You may use this procedure if you do not have a LuxTrust product or an eID.
You must provide the following information on your application:
- your last name(s) and first name(s);
- your date of birth;
- your address;
- your bank account number.
Tracking applications
Without authentication, you will receive an email notification:
- after having submitted your application;
- whenever there is a change in your application's status.
If you do not receive an email after having submitted your application, you should check your email spam folder (junk email).
In the event of a technical problem, you can contact:
- the Helpdesk for assistance on how to use;
- LuxTrust for all questions regarding LuxTrust certificates.
Supporting documents
You must upload the following documents in order to attach them to your application:
- a cover letter;
- a curriculum vitae (CV) with a description of the artistic process;
- a statement of intent, i.e. a description of the nature of the artistic work;
- a detailed budget;
- a project plan including the timetable with the steps for completion of the project;
- any other information deemed necessary for reviewing the application: financial plan, production and/or distribution contract, etc.
In the case of an application for a grant for artistic development, you must also enclose a proof of registration or an invitation to an artist residency, a workshop, master class, conference, symposium or similar event.
Review of the application
Grant applications are reviewed by an advisory committee which takes into account the comparative merits of the projects, the budget submitted, the eligible costs and the available budgetary resources.
Selection is based on the alignment of your project with the following objectives and award/evaluation criteria:
- your artistic background or the background of the artists' collective you are part of;
- the artistic quality of your production (high standards, innovation, diversity of aesthetics, etc.);
- contribution to the development of your career;
- the suitability of your artistic process;
- the coherence between your project and the means chosen for its execution;
- the quality of your file: clarity of the justification, relevance of the documentation and support material provided.
Grant amount and payment
Successful applicants will be awarded a grant of up to a maximum of EUR 8,000.
The amount granted is determined on an individual basis by ministerial decision:
- on the basis of the relevance of the file submitted; and
- on the advice of the advisory committee, depending on the funds available, the budget submitted and the eligible costs. The members of this committee convene on this subject during the month for which the submission date is set.
Report on the use of the grant
A detailed report on the use of the grant or on the results of the research must be submitted within a maximum of 6 months after the completion of the project.
Mention of the Ministry of Culture
When the project leads to public activities (performances, exhibitions, etc.) or publications, the logo of the Ministry of Culture or a mention of its contribution must appear on information, promotional or advertising material, so as to show that the grant paid has led to cultural activities.
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Ministry of Culture
- Address:
4, boulevard Roosevelt
L-2912 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 76 685
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 19 décembre 2014
relative 1) aux mesures sociales au bénéfice des artistes professionnels indépendants et des intermittents du spectacle 2) à la promotion de la création artistique
Règlement grand-ducal du 15 décembre 2021
déterminant les modalités de demande de bourse d’aide à la création, au perfectionnement et au recyclage artistiques