State aid to cover the tuition fee for music education in the communal sector

Last update

The Law of 27 May 2022 on the organisation of music education in the communal sector provides for a subsidy whose purpose is to cover the minerval (tuition fee for music education as set by the commune or the association of communes) in accordance with the legal provisions. It also sets out the conditions for free tuition for pupils up to the age of 18 during the first years of a certain number of the branches taught, and sets a ceiling for the tuition fee and any other fees that will be invoiced to the student by the commune or the association of communes of EUR 100 per branch and school year.

For students that meet the conditions below, the full amount of the fees is refunded to the students' parents/guardians.

Who is concerned

The parents or guardians of a student attending a music school as provided for by law may apply for state aid for the reimbursement of the tuition fees paid.


To be eligible for state aid for the reimbursement of the fees paid, the following conditions must be met:

  • the student is enrolled in a music school as provided for by law;
  • the student is under 18 years of age on 1 September preceding the reference school year;
  • the student's household has a gross monthly income of less than 3.5 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers:
    • if the gross monthly income exceeds the threshold (3.5 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers) by up to 10 %, 75 % of the fees are refunded;
    • if the gross monthly income exceeds the threshold (3.5 times the social minimum wage for unskilled workers) by more than 10 %, and up to 20 %, 50 % of the fees are refunded.

The maximum gross monthly income threshold (3.5 times social minimum wage for unskilled workers) of the household is increased by EUR 500 for each additional child under 18 years of age on 1 September preceding the reference school year, i.e. from the second child onwards.


Applications must be submitted using a specific form together with supporting documents to the Government Commissioner for Music Education (commissaire du Gouvernement à l’enseignement musical) by 1 October of the following school year at the latest.

Please note that parents or guardians must submit the form and the mandatory supporting documents for each application.

How to proceed

Submitting the application

Parents and legal guardians who request state aid to cover the tuition fee for music education, must send the specific form to the Government Commissioner for Music Education.

The form is also available for download and can be submitted either by postal mail or via

Supporting documents

The following supporting documents must be submitted with the application:

  • a detailed invoice for the tuition fees issued by the commune or the association of communes or the music establishment;
  • proof of payment of the invoice (receipted invoice or debit notice from the bank);
  • the applicant's income certificates for the last 3 months prior to the submission of the application, except for the month of August and, if applicable, those of his/her spouse or registered partner;
  • a certificate attesting to the payment of family benefits, or failing that, a copy of the bank statement showing the last payment of family benefits;
  • the latest income certificate from the tax office certifying the income of the applicant and, if applicable, of his/her spouse or registered partner or cohabitant and, for self-employed persons, farmers and winegrowers, a copy of the latest statement from the Joint Social Security Centre (Centre commun de la sécurité sociale - CCSS) declaring the taxable income on the basis of which social security contributions are fixed;
  • a household composition certificate.

Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Granting of financial aid

State aid is paid to those entitled from 1 January of the reference school year.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Related procedures and links


Further information

Music education

on the website of the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth


Social parameters

Consult the current social parameters.

Legal references

Loi du 27 mai 2022

portant organisation de l’enseignement musical dans le secteur communal

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