Application for accreditation to carry out energy audits

Last update

The energy audits provided for in the amended law of 5 August 1993 on the rational use of energy must be carried out by accredited auditors.

To obtain accreditation to carry out energy audits, applicants must satisfy certain conditions and file an application for accreditation with the Minister responsible for energy matters ('Minister').

Once accredited, the applicant will be added to the list of accredited auditors (French, Pdf, 194 Kb) published by the Minister.

Who is concerned

Any natural or legal person.

Applications for legal persons:

  • must be completed and signed by one of the organisation's managers, who must satisfy the required conditions (see 'Prerequisites');
  • may include persons in the legal person's employ who satisfy the required conditions, so they can carry out audits in the name and on behalf of the legal person.


Applicants must:

  • be morally, technically and financially independent with regard to the assignments that will be entrusted to them;
  • prove that they:
    • have obtained a higher-education diploma attesting to the completion of at least 3 years of study/training; or
    • have at least 5 years' work experience in the field in question;
  • prove that they:
    • have satisfactory knowledge of the regulations applicable to the technical tasks that they will be entrusted with; and
    • have sufficient practical experience in performing those tasks;
  • have the necessary technical resources and, where appropriate, the necessary staff, to perform the tasks in connection with their assignments in an appropriate manner;
  • have access to the equipment and information required for them to undertake their assignments in an appropriate manner;
  • have the skills required to draw up the certificates, statements and reports that formalise the assessments and inspections that they have carried out;
  • take out contractual and extra-contractual civil liability insurance:
    • covering all types of damages;
    • up to at least EUR 1,240,000 in value;
    • with at least EUR 500,000 for immaterial damages, where applicable;
    • that must be renewed every year for however long the accreditation is granted for.

Designers, suppliers, and project leads and contractors, as well as the representatives of these persons, cannot be accredited.

How to proceed

Two types of forms can be used to file an application for accreditation:

  • one is reserved for natural persons;
  • and the other for legal persons.

In both forms, the applicant must tick a box to indicate whether the application is being filed:

  • as a new application; or
  • to update to an existing accreditation; or
  • to renew an existing accreditation.

Applicants must submit the application for accreditation form that is relevant to their application (see under 'Online services and forms' below), which must be duly completed and accompanied by any required supporting documents.

New application for accreditation

All new applications for accreditation must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • where applicable, a copy of a document attesting to the publication of the legal person's articles of association;
  • a copy of a professional civil liability insurance policy.

For each natural person listed in the application for accreditation:

  • proof of any approved diplomas, or diplomas listed in the register of certificates, they have obtained, attesting to the completion of at least 3 years of higher-education study/training; or
  • in the absence of proof of a diploma, proof of at least 5 years' work experience, such as a list of recently undertaken works/assignments in connection with the area(s) of expertise being applied for.

Further details can be found in the form.

Updating the accreditation

An application to update an accreditation can be filed at any time. To do so, the applicant must submit the relevant form (see 'Online services and forms' below) accompanied by any required supporting documents.

An update is understood to mean:

  • a change in the legal person's articles of association;
  • the cessation of business by the legal or natural person;
  • the addition, to the accreditation, of a person in the legal person's employ so they can carry out energy audits on behalf of the legal person;
  • the removal of an employee from the legal person's accreditation.

The Minister must be informed immediately of any change in connection with the accreditation, using the relevant form.

Renewal of the accreditation

The accreditation is valid for 5 years from the date appearing in the ministerial decree confirming the accreditation, and is not automatically renewed.

Accreditation renewal applications must be filed:

  • at least 3 months before the accreditation expires;
  • using the right form (either for natural persons or legal persons);
  • accompanied by a copy of a professional civil liability insurance policy.

Good to know

The Minister publishes a list of accredited auditors (French, Pdf, 194 Kb).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Department of Energy - Service 'Agrément Expert'

Related procedures and links


Further information

Legal references

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