Production of electricity from renewable energy sources
Last update
You can produce electricity from renewable energy sources and request payment under certain conditions
The Luxembourg state supports the production of electricity from renewable energy sources by natural or legal persons by offering 3 types of remuneration:
- feed-in tariffs;
- market premiums;
- calls for tenders.
Who is concerned
All natural or legal persons are eligible to produce electricity from renewable energy sources and are entitled to ask for a remuneration in return.
The contracts are concluded with an electricity network operator, who is responsible for paying the remunerations.
Feed-in tariffs
A feed-in tariff agreement has to be concluded with a network operator.
For photovoltaic installations with a power output between 200 and 400 kW, only civil or cooperative companies (coopératives ou sociétés civiles) are allowed to enter into such agreements.
Market premiums
Contracts in the form of market premiums can only be signed with a network operator if the power plant has an output of at least 400 kW.
Feed-in tariff or market premium agreements can be concluded throughout the year.
How to proceed
Feed-in tariffs
Feed-in tariffs exist for:
- wind turbines, solar energy and hydroelectric installations;
- electricity produced from biogas, gas from wastewater treatment installations, solid biomass and waste wood materials.
The tariffs are guaranteed for 15 years from the date of the first feed-in of electricity into the network.
The tariffs are calculated with an annual reduction (degressive rates) depending on the date of the first feed-in of electricity into the network.
There are different categories depending on the capacity of the installation.
Feed-in tariffs apply to installations with a capacity of less than 400 kW.
Market premiums
There are market premiums for:
- wind turbines, solar energy and hydroelectric installations;
- electricity produced from biogas, gas from wastewater treatment installations, solid biomass and waste wood materials.
The market premium principle applies only to power plants with a rated output of 400 kW or more.
The market premium requires that the electricity producer sells the electricity directly on the market via an intermediary who can be freely chosen. The intermediary must be an active electricity provider in Luxembourg.
In addition to this income, the producer will receive a variable bonus paid by the network operator. The producer must contact the network operator who can provide a standard contract template concerning market premiums. The variable bonus fills the gap between the market price (calculated on the basis of a monthly value) and the remuneration as provided for by the law.
The market premium is guaranteed for at least 15 years from the date on which electricity is first fed into the grid.
Calls for tenders
Calls for tenders are only for photovoltaic installations with a power output that can range from 30 kWp to 20 MWp (depending on the type of installation). In principle, calls for tender are held once a year.
A second call for tenders is currently ongoing for the construction and operation of 'agri-PV' solar power plants in Luxembourg. The publication notice can be consulted here (French, Pdf, 171 Kb).
The tender specifications can be requested by email at
The deadline for submission of tenders is 1 September 2025.
Indicative multi-annual agri-PV timetable: with the aim of achieving an additional output of around 350-380 MW of agri-PV installations to contribute to the 2030 NECP target, at this stage and as an indication, 4 calls for tenders are planned between 2025 and 2028 with an increasing power output to be allocated year after year:
- 2025: 75 MW
- 2026: 90 MW
- 2027: 100 MW
- 2028: 110 MW
This timetable is indicative and may change depending on the progress made in terms of PV installations on impermeable surfaces.
Indicative multi-annual timetable
Without prejudice to any other specific calls for tenders that may be issued, the Ministry of the Economy hereby publishes an indicative multi-annual timetable for the 2 calls for tenders relating to operating aid and investment aid:
Year projects awarded | Total volume required (in MW) | Call for tenders for operating aid: volumes to be tendered (in MW) | Call for tenders for investment aid: expected volumes (in MW) |
2024 | min. 70 | 50 | 30-40* |
2025 | min. 70 | 40-50 | 30-40* |
2026 | min. 70 | 40-50 | 30-40* |
2027 | min. 70 | 40-50 | 30-40* |
2028 | min. 70 | 40-50 | 30-40* |
*depending on the available budget. Depending on the successive results of the calls for tender, this breakdown could be adjusted.
Timeline of previous calls for tenders
- Call for tender of 24 February 2018 (French, Pdf, 245 Kb)
- Call for tender of 11 September 2019 (French, Pdf, 497 Kb)
- Call for tender of 10 October 2020 (French, Pdf, 482 Kb)
- Call for tender of 25 September 2021 (French, Pdf, 485 Kb)
- First specific call for tender - self-consumption (investment aid)
- Second specific call for tender - self-consumption (investment aid)
- Overview of the fifth call for tender of 3 December 2022 (French, Pdf, 675 Kb)
- Overview of the pilot call for tenders for 'agri-PV' installations (French, Pdf, 775 Kb)
Who to contact
Ministry of the Economy General Directorate - Energy
- Address:
4, place de l'Europe
L-2923 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247-86903
- Email address:
- Email address:
- Email address:
- Email address:
- Website:
- Address:
- 2, circuit de la Foire Internationale L-1347 Luxembourg Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 80 02 11 90
- Email address:
- Website:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Les acteurs du marché
sur le site de l'Institut Luxembourgeois de Régulation
TED - tenders electronic day
FAQ - La production d’électricité basée sur les sources d’énergie renouvelables
Pdf • 628 Ko
Legal references
- Code de l’environnement
Loi modifiée du 5 août 1993
concernant l'utilisation rationnelle de l'énergie
Loi modifiée du 1er août 2007
relative à l'organisation du marché de l'électricité