Travel grant for associations in the cultural sector

Last update

Please note: travel grants were previously awarded by the Ministry of Culture but are now being awarded by Kultur | lx, the new organisation responsible for the support and development of Luxembourgish culture and creativity. The following provisions no longer apply.

The Ministry of Culture awards travel grants for associations in the culture sector to support the international dissemination of creative work from Luxembourg, as well as the presence of cultural associations at cultural events abroad.

The Ministry of Culture awards grants for one or more projects held in other countries over a calendar year.

These subsidies are awarded to Luxembourg non-profit associations active in the following fields:

  • visual arts, architecture, design, artisanry;
  • circus arts and street art;
  • audiovisual art production, art film and essay film;
  • dance;
  • literature;
  • music;
  • cultural heritage, history, folklore;
  • sociocultural subjects;
  • theatre and performing arts;
  • interdisciplinary subjects.

Complete applications (the form + all required supporting documents) must be submitted to the Ministry of Culture at least 2 months before the beginning of the project. Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be processed. Missing supporting documents in the application file must be duly justified.

Who is concerned

Eligible associations

This travel grant is intended for Luxembourg non-profit associations that organise cultural events, as well as artistic companies, groups and collectives of artists grouped together in the form of Luxembourg non-profit associations.

Artistic companies, groups and collectives not grouped as non-profit associations should submit an application for a travel grant for creatives and professionals in the culture sector.

Any association or establishment that is party to a convention with the Ministry of Culture, independent contractors, companies, foreign associations, educational institutes, charities, and municipal orchestras, marching bands and choirs are not eligible for this grant.

Local or municipal orchestras, marching bands and choirs are only eligible for this grant under certain conditions, as listed under "Eligible projects".

Eligible projects

The Ministry of Culture may award travel grants for cultural projects held abroad to associations for the following culture sector projects (non-exhaustive list):

  • participation in festivals;
  • participation in special cultural events;
  • residencies.

In addition, the following types of projects or events held abroad are eligible:

  • in the fields of visual arts, architecture, design, arts and crafts:
    • exhibitions;
    • participation in art shows;
  • in the fields of audiovisual art production, art film and essay film:
    • exhibitions;
    • participation in art shows;
  • in the field of dance:
    • the international dissemination of original works of choreography;
    • participation in dance conventions;
  • in the field of literature:
    • participation in book fairs;
    • authors' readings;
  • in the field of music:
    • concert tours;
    • municipal orchestras, marching bands and choirs may receive a grant for their participation in a festival or a contest of international renown;
  • in the fields of theatre, performing arts, circus arts and street art:
    • the international dissemination of original works of drama;
  • in interdisciplinary, social and educational fields, as well as in the fields of cultural heritage, folklore, history and interculturalism:
    • the international dissemination of original creative work;
    • exhibitions.

Ineligible projects

The Ministry of Culture does not award travel grants to associations for:

  • projects and events that meet the selection criteria for a different grant awarded by the Ministry of Culture;
  • projects and events with no artistic or cultural dimension;
  • projects and events intended to raise funds for charity;
  • projects commissioned by an association or establishment that is party to a convention with the Ministry of Culture;
  • projects and events that do not generate added value for Luxembourg;
  • projects and events that form part of a primary school, secondary school or university curriculum;
  • acquisitions of property and material, existing projects or instruments;
  • the association's operating costs or employee salaries;
  • projects funded by Luxembourg's FilmFund;
  • the construction, acquisition, rental or renovation of rehearsal spaces;
  • projects in tourism;
  • projects and events commissioned by the association's gallery or publisher. The Ministry of Culture does not subsidise organisational costs, which must be borne by the gallery or publisher;
  • participation in training courses;
  • activities in cooperation with Luxembourg's diplomacy entities.


Associations wishing to receive this grant must submit a complete application postmarked no later than 2 months before the project or event begins.

Applications submitted after the project execution will be rejected.

Example: for projects scheduled to begin on 1 June, the application deadline is 1 April.

To be on the agenda of a meeting of the Ministry of Culture's advisory body, a complete application must have been received by the "guichet subsides" at least 5 working days before the meeting in question (the dates of the meetings are available below in the section "How to proceed").

How to proceed

Filing an application

Applications must include a request form for a travel grant for associations in the culture sector, in addition to the following documents:

  • an itemised estimated budget for the project for which the application is being submitted;
  • an official copy of the association's articles of association, signed by its president, as well as a list of the members of its board of directors, if this is the association's first application or if the articles of association have changed;
  • an activity report for the past year and a press kit;
  • a balance sheet for the past year;
  • an income statement (profit and loss account) for the past year;
  • a copy of a recent bank statement (showing cash at bank);
  • an itemised budget estimate for the current year;
  • a schedule of cultural activities planned for the current year;
  • if the applicant is participating in a show, tour, convention, conference or festival abroad, a programme and written invitation from the organiser;
  • any other supporting documentation that may be useful for the application.

Applicants must complete the application form:

  • using a computer;
  • in French, German, Luxembourgish or English.

Associations must send the duly completed and signed form together with all the required documents to the Ministry of Culture by post, or by email to

Once it has received the application, the Ministry of Culture will send the applicant one of the following documents:

  • either a confirmation of receipt, if the application is complete;
  • or a letter listing the documents still to be submitted in order to complete the application.

Only complete applications will be processed.

Selection criteria

The Minister of Culture advisory body, composed of officials from the Directorate and the Cultural and Financial Services of the Ministry of Culture, evaluates each application according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • the project's innovative character and artistic quality, i.e. the unique and innovative aspects of the project as described in the application. Applicants should show how the project supports the production of quality original art;
  • the effect on the applicant's career, i.e. how the travel will benefit the association's artistic and professional development;
  • project management and feasibility, i.e. how well-conceived the project is. Applicants should include a clear and precise description of the different project phases leading from its conception to its realisation;
  • the project budget plan, i.e. an estimated budget that is detailed, realistic and clear. Applicants should show that the requested grant is crucial to the project. The cost of travel must be in proportion to the potential benefit in terms of professional development. Applicants must list all other sources of funding (public and private). Applicants are encouraged to seek sources of funding in addition to public grants;
  • they should provide proof of the association's experience and involvement in the culture scene, i.e. past experience organising similar projects, by submitting supporting documents such as press kits;
  • they should demonstrate the contribution to international cultural relations, i.e. the project's relevance within the international cultural context (in terms of culture's role as a force of cultural diversity and the protection of human rights, a catalyst for mutual respect and cross-cultural dialogue, a vehicle for European values, a contributor to sustainable development goals, etc.) and they should show the project's consistency with foreign political issues.

The Ministry of Culture's advisory body meets about once a month. For 2021, it will meet on the following dates:

  • 20 January;
  • 11 February;
  • 10 March;
  • 28 April;
  • 19 May;
  • 9 June;
  • 15 July;
  • 29 September;
  • 20 October;
  • 17 November;
  • 1 December.

The Ministry will inform the applicant of its decision by post and any subsidy will be transferred to the beneficiary as soon as possible.

Grant amount

Subsidies awarded in the form of a direct payment of public financial aid to the beneficiary, usually before the project is carried out.  

Subsidies awarded by the Ministry of Culture will generally cover no more than 60% of the total cost of the project for which the application was submitted.

Obligations of associations receiving a grant

Associations receiving a grant are required to meet the following obligations:

  • they may only use the subsidy to pay costs and expenses related to the project for which the application was submitted;
  • all materials provided to the public for the purpose of presentation, information or advertising, including the website, must show the following note "Avec le soutien du ministère de la Culture" (Supported by the Ministry of Culture) together with the Ministry's logo;
  • they must inform the Ministry of any major change in the association (mandate, legal or administrative structure, change of management, etc.).

In addition, applicants must send a report form and all requested documents to the Ministry of Culture no later than 3 months after the project is completed.

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Guichet subsides

  • Ministry of Culture Guichet subsides

    4, boulevard F-D Roosevelt L-2912 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens at 9.00
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30

Related procedures and links

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