Eurovignette - road toll for trucks
Last update
Heavy goods vehicles have to pay a road user charge, called the 'Eurovignette', on some roads in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Luxembourg.
After the payment of the road toll, the vehicle is immediately registered in the central database of the countries party to the Eurovignette agreement.
In the event of roadside controls, the agents can enter the vehicle's registration number in the database in order to verify that the road toll has been paid. The transporter does not need to keep the certificate of payment of the Eurovignette onboard the vehicle.
Who is concerned
Everyone can purchase the electronic Eurovignette. Road transport companies are required to pay a road toll for each of their vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of minimum 12 tonnes to use motorways or similar roads in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and Luxembourg. The same e-vignette is valid on all the territories of the partner states.
The roads where road toll applies are designated by each country and signposted as such.
The vehicles concerned by the 'vignette' are heavy goods vehicles, even when circulating empty, where the maximum permitted weight is equal to or greater than 12 tonnes.
A vehicle consists of either an individual vehicle (e.g. a truck) or a set of coupled vehicles (articulated vehicles or train of vehicles).
The road toll varies depending on:
- the emission group by the vehicle in question (standards EURO 0, EURO 1, EURO 2, EURO 3, EURO 4, EURO 5, EURO 6 or higher);
- the number of axles of the vehicle or set of coupled vehicles.
The road toll covers an annual, monthly, weekly or daily period.
The daily road toll is valid for one calendar day (i.e. from 00.00 to 24.00). The tariffs can be consulted on the Eurovignette portal.
How to proceed
Application for a Eurovignette
In order to pay the road toll (daily, weekly, monthly or annual), the transporter must:
- book an e-vignette online on the website of the Eurovignette and pay by fuel card, fleet card or credit card; or
Restrictions concerning credit card payments (VISA, MASTERCARD) on the Eurovignette Portal
A maximum amount of EUR 50 and maximum of 4 bookings within 3 days are accepted by AGES for the time being. For more information please consult the FAQ on the website of Eurovignette.
There are no restrictions regarding fuel and fleet cards.
- submit an application for a Eurovignette in person by paying cash, by money transfer, by credit card or with a fleet card or fuel card that exist for transport companies:
- at the customs office - North in Diekirch (see below);
- or at another approved point of sale.
Payments of the Eurovignette by bank transfer must be made to the account CCPL IBAN LU45 1111 2588 5963 0000 of the Caisse Centrale des douanes et accises.
Using the Eurovignette
Payment of the road toll is recorded in real time in the central database of the Eurovignette countries.
The vehicle immediately benefits from the right to use the network of motorways and similar roads.
The Eurovignette Member States have agents that verify the payment and validity of the road user charge for a given vehicle based on the registration number of the vehicle.
The driver does no longer have to keep paper-based documents concerning the Eurovignette (or the exemption vignette valid only in Luxembourg) on board the vehicle.
The transport company receives no paper-based Eurovignette certificate, only a registration confirmation (if the purchase was made online) or a receipt of payment (if the vignette was purchased in person), which can be used as evidence in the event of a dispute.
Refund for unused validity
The user charge can be refunded if not used. An application for reimbursement must be submitted and reimbursement is calculated based on the number of unused calendar days remaining before expiration of the vignette.
The processing fee for verification of the reimbursement application is 25 euros.
Applications for reimbursement of paid road toll should be sent to the company AGES ETS GmbH together with the following documents:
- a signed written application stating the bank data for reimbursement;
- the original receipt of payment mentioning the vehicle registration number and the period of validity of the vignette;
- a copy of the vehicle registration card.
Postfach 40 04 64
D-40244 Langenfeld
Online services and forms
Who to contact
Customs Office - North
Customs and Excise Agency (ADA) Customs Office - North
- Address:
2, rue Clairefontaine
B.P. 77
- Phone:
- (+352) 81 70 45 1
- Fax:
- (+352) 81 70 45 71
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