Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number

Last update

In order to carry out customs operations, businesses must have an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number.

The EORI number, which is granted by an EU Member State, is recognised by all the customs authorities of the EU.

In Luxembourg, it is identical to the VAT number. Operators can check if their VAT number can be used as their EORI number on the website of the European Commission.

If not, operators must register with the Customs and Excise Agency.

Operators, if they wish, may have their details published on the Commission website.

From 15 September 2020, holders of intellectual property rights and their legal representatives who wish to submit an application for action or to amend or extend an existing application for action must have an EORI number.

The rights holder or their legal representative can request customs to intercept goods suspected of infringing intellectual property rights. To do so, they must submit an application for action to the competent customs authorities.

Who is concerned

All economic operators involved in customs activities are required to have an EORI number.

The following operators are registered in Luxembourg:

  • operators established in Luxembourg;
  • operators established outside of the EU whose operations are in Luxembourg.

Economic operators established in another EU Member State must apply for an EORI number in the country in which they are established. Each economic operator may only have one EORI number in the EU.

How to proceed

Checking the EORI number

For businesses established in Luxembourg or outside the EU which already have a Luxembourg VAT number, the EORI number is identical to the VAT number.

Operators may check to see if their VAT number can be used as their EORI number on the website of the European Commission.

EORI registration

If the VAT number cannot be used as the EORI number, the operator must send a request for EORI registration to the Customs and Excise Agency:

Publishing details on the website of the European Commission

Economic operators wishing to have their details (name and address) published on the website of the European Commission must:

  • indicate this on the EORI registration form at the time of their registration;
  • or, if already registered, submit an amendment request to the Customs and Excise Agency using the application/amendment form for EORI numbers.

Online services and forms

Downloadable forms

Who to contact

eDouane Helpdesk

Related procedures and links



Further information

Legal references

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