Subscription tax (taxe d'abonnement)
Last update
The subscription tax (taxe d'abonnement) is a registration tax levied on negotiable securities issued by:
- Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCI);
- Specialised Investment Funds (SIF);
- Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF);
- Family Wealth Management Companies (sociétés de gestion de patrimoine familial - SPF).
The tax must be declared and paid every quarter.
Who is concerned
The subscription tax must be declared and paid by:
- Undertakings for Collective Investment (UCI);
- Specialised Investment Funds (SIF);
- Reserved Alternative Investment Funds (RAIF);
- Family Wealth Management Companies (SPF) that are:
- designed to operate as investment companies; and
- intended solely for natural persons as a vehicle for managing their personal assets.
The subscription tax must be declared and paid, after the end of each quarter, within the first 20 days of the following quarter, namely:
- by 20 April at the latest for the 1st quarter;
- by 20 July at the latest for the 2nd quarter;
- by 20 October at the latest for the 3rd quarter;
- by 20 January at the latest for the 4th quarter.
How to proceed
Declaration procedure on
The subscription tax must be declared electronically on the platform (all links to the online assistants are available under 'Online services and forms' on this page).
The subscription tax office no longer accepts declarations in paper format. declarations by fund/company
Subscription tax declarations on must be filed using the interactive assistants (see 'Online services and forms').
Each of these assistants:
- is designed to be used for declarations for a single fund/company; and
- pre-calculates the amounts of the subscription tax based on the declaration.
To facilitate the input of the data required for the declaration, the data can be uploaded to as an XML file, whose structure is defined in the XSD files that can be downloaded from the 'Publications' section, under 'Related procedures and links'. multi-fund/multi-company declarations
Declarants who need to file a large number of declarations have the option of submitting multi-fund/multi-company XML files.
Although this mode of submission may only be used for one type of fund/company at a time (UCI, SIF, RAIF or SPF), it can be used to file declarations for up to 50 funds or companies.
Unlike the assistants for a single fund or company, the multi-fund/multi-company declaration assistant:
- does not perform any checks other than primarily syntax checks, which are performed on the uploaded XML data; and
- does not calculate the tax amounts due.
The full set of information must be provided in the submitted XML files (for example: period of activity of the fund/company during the quarter, exchange rates and asset-value calculations in EUR, associated subscription tax calculations, etc.).
Multi-fund/multi-company declarations are particularly suited to companies that:
- need to declare a large number of funds or companies;
- wish to automatically generate XML files to file their declarations on the platform.
Correction of declarations
To correct a declaration that has already been submitted, it is sufficient to file a new declaration for the same quarter. The original declaration will be automatically cancelled and replaced by the 2nd declaration.
Tax base for the subscription tax
The tax base for the subscription tax due by UCIs, SIFs and RAIFs comprises the totality of their net assets, as valuated on the last day of each quarter.
The tax base for the subscription tax due by the SPFs is:
- the amount of its paid-up share capital;
- to which are added, where applicable, any share premiums plus the portion of debt, in whatever form, that exceeds eight times the amount of the paid-up share capital plus any share premiums existing on 1 January or, if the SPF was incorporated in the course of the year, on the date of incorporation.
Subscription tax rate
General information
Since the subscription tax is a quarterly tax, the amount obtained by multiplying the applicable rate with the tax base is then divided by 4 to obtain the amount that corresponds to the quarterly tax payable.
This division is done automatically in the form and does not need to be carried out by the declarant.
UCIs are subject to an annual subscription tax at a rate of 0.05 % of their net assets. This rate can be reduced to 0.01 % under certain conditions. Several categories of exemptions are also provided for under the conditions laid down in the law on UCIs.
With regard to the reduced rates that apply to net assets invested in sustainable economic activities:
- if the part represents at least 5 % of the total net assets of the UCI or of the individual compartment of an umbrella UCI, the rate is 0.04 %;
- if the part represents at least 20 % of the total net assets of the UCI or of the individual compartment of an umbrella UCI, the rate is 0.03 %;
- if the part represents at least 35 % of the total net assets of the UCI or of the individual compartment of an umbrella UCI, the rate is 0.02 %;
- if the part represents at least 50 % of the total net assets of the UCI or of the individual compartment of an umbrella UCI, the rate is 0.01 %;
These rates are only applicable after transmission to the Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED) of a certified statement issued by an approved statutory auditor.
SIFs are subject to an annual subscription tax at a rate of 0.01 % of their net assets. Several categories of exemptions are also provided for under the conditions laid down in the law on SIFs.
RAIFs are subject to an annual subscription tax at a rate of 0.01 % of their net assets. Several categories of exemptions are also provided for under the conditions laid down in the law on RAIFs.
Family Wealth Management Companies (SPFs) are subject to an annual subscription tax at a rate of 0.25 %, where the amount of tax cannot be less than EUR 1,000 or more than EUR 125,000 a year.
Annual statements and certificates
Certified statement for UCIs investing in sustainable economic activities
For UCIs investing in sustainable economic activities and wishing to benefit from the applicable reduced rates, a certified statement must be issued by an approved statutory auditor.
This statement:
- confirms the share (as a percentage) of the net assets of a UCI or an individual compartment of an umbrella UCI that is invested in sustainable economic activities;
- must be transmitted electronically via to the AED:
- at the time of the first declaration of the subscription tax after the finalisation of the annual report, or where applicable, the assurance report; or
- separately from the quarterly declaration until the last day of the following quarter, i.e. until:
- 31 March, instead of 20 January;
- 30 June, instead of 20 April;
- 30 September, instead of 20 July; and
- 31 December, instead of 20 October.
Please note that if a certified statement is filed:
- before 31 March of year N, the reduced rate will apply from 1 January to 31 December of year N;
- before 30 June of year N, the reduced rate will apply from 1 April of year N to 31 March of year N+1;
- before 30 September of year N, the reduced rate will apply from 1 July of year N to 30 June of year N+1;
- before 31 December of year N, the reduced rate will apply from 1 October of year N to 30 September of year N+1;
Further information can be found in this circular (pages 1 to 4).
Certificates of conformity for SPFs
The certificate of conformity:
- must be submitted annually, by 31 July at the latest, to the AED;
- can be filed electronically via
Further information can be found in this circular (page 5).
Online services and forms
Online services
Who to contact
Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED) Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED)
- Address:
1-3, avenue Guillaume
B.P. 31, L-2010 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 80 800
- Fax:
- (+352) 247 90 400
- Email address:
- Website:
Registration Duties, Estates and VAT Authority (AED) Subscription Tax Department
- Address:
308, route d’Esch
B.P. 1004, L-1010 Luxembourg
- Phone:
- (+352) 247 80 978
- Email address:
Related procedures and links
Further information
Taxe d'abonnement
sur le Portail de la fiscalité indirecte
- Website of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI)
Legal references
Loi modifiée du 13 février 2007
relative aux fonds d'investissement spécialisés
Loi modifiée du 11 mai 2007
relative à la création d'une société de gestion de patrimoine familial (SPF)
Loi modifiée du 17 décembre 2010
concernant les organismes de placement collectif
Loi modifiée du 23 juillet 2016
relative aux fonds d'investissement alternatifs réservés
Loi du 23 décembre 2022
concernant le budget des recettes et des dépenses de l’État pour l’exercice 2023
- Arrêté grand-ducal du 20 février 1914
Circulaire FIS N°804bis du 17 février 2021
I. Loi modifiée du 17 décembre 2010 concernant les organismes de placement collectif – Art. 174 II. Loi modifiée du 11 mai 2007 relative à la création d'une société de gestion de patrimoine familial (« SPF ») – Art. 2 et 5
Taxe d'abonnement - pré-remplissage XML - Fichiers XSD (2024)
Zip • 6 Ko
Taxe d'abonnement - pré-remplissage XML - Exemples XML et PDF des démarches associées (2024)
Zip • 334 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Fonds d'investissement alternatif réservé (FIAR) - Multifonds - Fichier XSD (2024)
Zip • 2 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Organisme de placement collectif (OPC) - Multifonds - Fichier XSD (2024)
Zip • 2 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Fonds d'investissement spécialisé (FIS) – Multifonds - Fichier XSD (2024)
Zip • 2 Ko
Taxe d'abonnement - pré-remplissage XML - Fichiers XSD (avant 2024)
Zip • 4 Ko
Taxe d'abonnement - pré-remplissage XML - Exemples XML et PDF des démarches associées (avant 2024)
Zip • 480 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Organisme de placement collectif (OPC) - Multifonds - Fichier XSD (avant 2024)
Zip • 12 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Fonds d'investissement spécialisé (FIS) – Multifonds - Fichier XSD (avant 2024)
Zip • 11 Ko
Déclaration Taxe d'abonnement - Fonds d'investissement alternatif réservé (FIAR) - Multifonds - Fichier XSD (avant 2024)
Zip • 11 Ko