Travel grant for publishers

Last update

Please note: travel grants were previously awarded by the Ministry of Culture but are now being awarded by Kultur | lx, the new organisation responsible for the support and development of Luxembourgish culture and creativity. The following provisions no longer apply.

The Ministry of Culture awards travel grants for publishers to support Luxembourg publishers participating in international conventions, festivals and book fairs, in order to promote original works of literature that are connected to Luxembourg on an international scale.

Complete applications (the form + all required supporting documents) must be submitted to the Ministry of Culture at least 2 months before the beginning of the project. Only complete applications submitted by the deadline will be processed. Missing supporting documents in the application file must be duly justified.

Who is concerned

Eligible persons

Luxembourg publishers (commercial companies and non-profit organisations) may apply for a travel grant for publishers.

This grant from the Ministry of Culture is not intended for:

  • communes and associations of communes;
  • foreign associations;
  • educational institutions;
  • charities;
  • any association or establishment that is party to a convention with the Ministry of Culture.

Eligible expenses

Travel grants for publishers result in a full or partial reimbursement of the following expenses:

  • registration fees;
  • stand rental fees (in the least expensive category);
  • subsistence costs (travel and hotel) for one person (up to EUR 400).

Ineligible projects and events

The Ministry of Culture does not award travel grants to publishers for:

  • projects and events that meet the selection criteria for a different grant awarded by the Ministry of Culture;
  • projects and events with no artistic or cultural dimension;
  • projects and events intended to raise funds for charity;
  • projects and events commissioned by an association or establishment that is party to a convention with the Ministry of Culture;
  • projects and events that form part of a primary school, secondary school or university curriculum;
  • honorarium and per diem fees paid by the Ministry of Culture;
  • participation in training courses.


Publishers wishing to receive this grant from the Ministry of Culture must submit a complete application postmarked at least 2 months prior to the event.

Applications submitted after this deadline or after the event will be rejected.

Example: for events scheduled to begin on 1 June, the application deadline is 1 April.

To be on the agenda of a meeting of the Ministry of Culture's advisory body, a complete application must have been received by the "guichet subsides" at least 5 working days before the meeting in question (the dates of the meetings are available below in the section "How to proceed").

How to proceed

Filing an application

The application must include the request form for a travel grant for publishers as well as the following documents:

  • a document proving the applicant's attendance of the relevant event (registration, agenda, etc.);
  • an itemised estimated budget for the project for which the application is being submitted;
  • an official copy of the association or company's articles of incorporation, signed by its president, as well as a list of the members of its board of directors;
  • an activity report for the past year;
  • an itemised budget estimate for the current year;
  • the publishing schedule planned for the current year.

Applicants must complete the application form:

  • using a computer;
  • in French, German, Luxembourgish or English.

They must submit the application by post, or by email to

Once it has received the application, the Ministry of Culture will send the applicant one of the following documents:

  • either a confirmation of receipt, if the application is complete;
  • or a letter listing the documents still to be submitted in order to complete the application. In the latter case, the applicant must complete and sign the required form and return it together with all of the requested documents. Incomplete applications will not be considered for the grant.

Selection criteria

The Minister of Culture's advisory body, composed of officials from the Directorate and the Cultural and Financial Services of the Ministry of Culture, evaluates each application according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • added value generated by the travel: i.e. how the Luxembourg book sector will benefit from the publisher's participation in the event concerned;
  • commitment, visibility and presence: i.e. how the stand's visibility is ensured (including through a permanent presence at the stand) in addition to networking potential;
  • the project budget plan: i.e. a budget estimate that is detailed, realistic and clear. Applicants should show that the requested subsidy is crucial to the project and must list all other sources of funding (public and private);
  • the project owner's experience and involvement in the culture scene: i.e. the publisher's past experience organising similar projects by submitting supporting documents such as press kits;
  • the level of focus on foreign policy goals and international commitments by Luxembourg.

The Ministry of Culture's advisory body meets about once a month. For 2021, it will meet on the following dates:

  • 20 January;
  • 11 February;
  • 10 March;
  • 28 April;
  • 19 May;
  • 9 June;
  • 15 July;
  • 29 September;
  • 20 October;
  • 17 November;
  • 1 December.

The advisory body will form an opinion on whether an application is eligible for a subsidy, and if necessary, on the amount to be awarded. The Ministry will inform the applicant of its decision by post.

Amount awarded

Subsidies are awarded as full or partial reimbursements of the costs indicated in a written agreement with the Ministry of Culture, and no other costs.

Reimbursements will be paid as soon as possible, subject to the submission of supporting documents and validated receipts (originals) after the event.

No subsidy will be paid before the project for which the application was submitted has been completed.

Obligations of recipients of a subsidy

Recipients of financial support are required to meet the following obligations:

  • they may only use the funds to cover expenses related to the project for which the application was submitted;
  • they must include the note "Avec le soutien du ministère de la Culture" (Supported by the Ministry of Culture) together with the Ministry's logo on all materials provided to the public for the purposes of presentation, information or advertising, including on the relevant website;
  • they must inform the Ministry of any major change at the requesting entity (task/mandate, legal or administrative corporate structure, change in the composition of the board of directors);
  • they must provide the Ministry with all documents and information deemed necessary to process and review the application file (amendment or cancellation of the project, etc.).

Online services and forms

Who to contact

Guichet subsides

  • Ministry of Culture Guichet subsides

    4, boulevard F-D Roosevelt L-2912 Luxembourg Luxembourg
    Email address:
    Closed ⋅ Opens at 9.00
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30
    9.00 to 11.30

Related procedures and links

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